Any Upgraders/Preorders receive a shipping notification?

That’s two so far today fingers crossed for many more soon. :0)

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I hope so too. He is around 140 places behind me in line, but has received his E-Mail. Given how many or few 8KX Pimax produces each week, I don’t want to wait another 2 weeks. Enough is enough, they’ve had my money since 2018 - and part of that is bound in the upgrade plan now. :unamused:

Nope… he is all the backer-upgraders behind you in the line.


That sounds like a lottery. BTW did anyone encounter the „confirm your adress“ - loop?

Everytime i edited my adress i got the same email again and again.

What in hell is going on here?

Why don’t they just manage to send my unit?

I don’t get it. The only field i left blank was firm and Vat no.


SO5406 no shipping confirmation :frowning:

You are totally right.

Our money has been given >2 years ago. Yet we held out. Waived package to the Upgrade-Plan.

The first pre-order should ship after the last backer-upgrader has received his.

Our money has been given >2 years ago.

Sounds like the same old shipping problems that happened with the initial 5k+ and 8k shipments. Headsets seemed to go out in relatively random order with no direct relation to time of order. Unfortunately as slow as the shipping process has been so far this will probably be very noticeable even if they actually have enough product in stock to ship to everyone within a few weeks. It’ll probably stretch out into a few months process.

So You’re saying they should stop shipping until all packages previously sent arrives?

Come on, that’s just silly… :slightly_smiling_face:

Of course they should just continue shipping following the orders (backers, upgraders, pre-orders) in a sensible manner (they’re not sending single packages but in bulk) and if there’s a few orders that arrives a week or two before others people should live with that.

They’re trying to run a business after all… :wink:


Yeah, surely it’s basically impossible to make them arrive in order. I mean, they are shipping worldwide for god’s sake! What they can do is send in order and then we all have to accept what happens after that point.


Upgrade person here too, ya’ll need to chill out. The fact they ARE shipping these as confirmed by the community should be good news, it’s progress. Might be an uncomfortable concept but no one is being shown preferential treatment, yourselves included. We are close to the finish, no need to throw poop from the pram now.

edit: I was among the last to recieve the 5k+ headsets among backers despite a “low backer number”… which worked out in my favour as I got the P2 version. If you do wait a few more weeks it might be a blessing in disguise.


I think you misunderstood the good JoCool :smiley:
He is wondering why pre-orders are recieving FedEx tracking for their 8Kx before Backer-upgraders
That’s all

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We are shipping both upgrades and pre-orders. The sequence is effected by if we can verify the address was recently confirmed in our system and by the destination country (the customs declarations vary etc).

A lot of them are going out each day now so what soarin says is true, the finish line is here at last.

PS: The next weekly update will contain another plea to visit this page: and make sure your address is up to date.


I am an upgrader so then theoretically (according to pimax sequence) you would think that I should have received at least notification of Fedex tracking before a preorder, since I have confirmed (and pimax have recently acknowledged my delivery address multiple times). I just received eyetracking delivery to this address within the last week as well from Fedex. Not sweating it here, but something still sounds a bit off.


A few days ago, I confirmed my address four times (just in case).
Of these - 2 times on and 2 times on (each time I went into my data and clicked confirm on the advice of @PimaxQuorra)
Attention, question of the day: how many times do I need to confirm my address to get the track number for 8KX?:beer: :laughing: :+1:

Well, okay, I hope we all get 8KX in September :beers:


Sounds like you are in good shape then. The team mentioned to me that dozens of people have not confirmed though.



You did the great job sir!
The 8KX is now shipped out start from today. You shall receive the tracking number soon from our staff.



I just confirm the address sometimes in order to get 8KX faster.
Hope this method works :roll_eyes:

@PimaxQuorra, thanks for the info, I’m glad to hear that! :beers:

( So my confirmation method seems to have worked :smile:)


If i check my shipping adress and confirm, i get the same email again and again which asks me to confirm my shipping adress. An endless loop. Why is this? Btw no answer from support.


I get this as well not sure why?


Hi I was under the impression the shipping would be organised in a way to supply those who paid and have waited the longest. Personally I truly do not mind if that’s an upgrade or preorder.