*Announcement* Additional discount of $50 to the Vision 8K Plus and $100 for the Vision 8K X for Backers

It’s totally optional you don’t have to buy the new series, just wait to have your stretch goal deliver next year. I don’t see any economical sense for a Kickstarter campaign that Pimax give us new headset for 200$ + our old one. The 5K+ is still and advanced beta device but that is the nature of the kickstarter experience. I never had on the 10 campaigns I participated a product completely finished or completely polish…


Yep, should be.
As mentionned :

Anyone who has already purchased will receive a refund of the new discount amount within 20 working days.

Just wait for one of the upcoming sale discounts & loose nothing & get one of the new series at a deal.

We did get what we backed; sure if Headsets delayed another full year from when we received(now) we would likely have had some of the pluses we see now (better screens)

But we should be able to get the new face gasket with nose flaps as seen in earlier ks update (not to be confused with heat comfort cowl kit)

Just remember what a COO is.


This really. The 5k+ is great. There is no pressure on us in this “upgrade”. We don’t even know how much better it is. Knowing Pimax it could be delayed until easter after they got your money. Much can happen in the meantime. I wait for my strechgoals and if it is great I might pick it up via amazon. That way I don’t have to deal with them at least.


It’s a step in the right direction pimax.

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Thanks @PimaxVR you did well with this decision, i feel a lot better now with my purchage of the 8kX with plan D.


I only want to know that how much the value of total stretch goal and if I want to keep all of them, how much I have to add more money.

I am not sure why pimax need people to choose the plan without getting stretch goal, do they want to save cost for shipping each stretch goal?

Why don’t make an option to ship all stretch goal at the same time when you ship the upgrade headset?
@Matthew.Xu @PimaxUSA

What head strap for stretch goal? Modular or Deluxe?
What face cushion which we get?
How much for the fan and prescription lenses?

Modular head strap 119.95
Deluxe audio 219.95
VR Comfort kit 49.95

If we get modular head strap, we get discount = 1,299 - 119.95 = $1179.05 and if I choose 8k x , I paid $849 + $100 ($100 for 8k-> 5k+ discount, not include this $100 for discount)
That mean I paid $949 for upgrade without getting the modular head strap.

I get discount = 1179.05 - 949 = $230.05

If we get VR comfort kit for stretch goal, that mean I get discount = 230.05 - 49.95 = $180.1
I assume the fan is around $50 , I get discount = 180.1 - 50 = $130.1
I assume the prescription lenses is around $30, I get discount = 130.1 - 30 = $100.

That mean we get discount around $100 to $145 (if we get only normal face cuashion which be $5 for stretch goal).

It look we get only little discount and I don’t rush for the upgrade plan.

I assume the value of stretch goal is
119.5 (Modular headstrap) + 5 (normal face cushion) or 49.95 (VR Comfort kit) + 50 (fan) + 30 (prescription lenses) = $204.5 to $249.45.

Do we still get the discount for eye tracking if we not choose the upgrade plan?

edit : Forgot about $60 shipping discount and selling stretch goal is benefit for people who want headset more than stretch goal.


I thing PiMax has made an awesome deal for us - remember you don’t need to get the 8kx if you like your stretch goal more.

So a big thanks for that towards PiMax and the Team!
@Matthew.Xu , @PimaxUSA ans @SweViver

I think if we complain like hell, then we should also commit and appreciate if things are turned to our favor.


Yes it’s good to see them listening (or rather reacting to in getting almost no upgrade orders). Ruight now, I’d say its at a point where it just starts to make sense considerignm it Still no good deal though.
So, I’m still leaning a bitz more towards keeping my goals unless someone official can confirm the regular update comes with the MAS on the new headset and what the additional Deluxe option actually makes a difference.

Would that be an additional headstrap fopor the backer headset or is that an upgrade to the MASA and if so, what is exactly different. I can’t dfind no infop on this @PimaxVR, @PimaxUSA, please?


Comfort kit not part of stretch goals replaced improved mask it seems that we might have received as seemed by KS Update(would Rather have it over heat trap) comes with Vis & 8kX at no cost & not compatible with cooling fans.

MAS We get off ear version. Imho lilely won’t block outside noise so likely immersion killer. Might be able to create a channel cup to put on ear. So not deluxe from KS; this version supposed to try & appeal to Audiophiles

Free Eyetracking now $100 off coupon; trade off $50.

My best recommendation? Keep stretch goals & wait for a sale. Unless you want early completion/out.


So what about backers who chose ‘current owners’ plan and want to keep stretch goals

Cost still 1099 yes?

Or are we forced not to have stretch goals?


Afaik, you either pay the full price without an option to use the “downgrade credit” or waive some or all of the stretchgoals and/or bases+cons in order to get the new headsets cheaper. Afaik.


Anyone know when the additional discount will show up when ordering? Still shows ~$950 for Plan C Deluxe MAS 8kX. @Matthew.Xu? @SweViver?


What if people just want to upgrade to Deluxe headphone and no “refund.” They should send email to backers who order early without option to select Deluxe headphone. Total amount add up without “refund.”

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$950 is already discounted w/ the Deluxe MAS 8KX. It is supposed to be $1050?

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@reptilexcq I mean the additional $100 this post is in reference to.


did we ever get an answer on warranty issues if we get Index controllers and BS from Pimax?

If I live in the US am I able to just deal with warranty claims here, vs having to ship to China?


Unfortunately no. Probably working on a flow chart.



not sure if sarcasm but hilarious nonetheless


That was awful quick for a price change. :japanese_goblin::innocent: