*Announcement* Additional discount of $50 to the Vision 8K Plus and $100 for the Vision 8K X for Backers

Backers just got 50$ more discount on the + and 100$ on the X for upgade plan A, B, C and D.



Yes, it’s good to see that plans for backers now have some advantages over plans for current owners.
Of course, these are not very big changes in cost, but it is commendable that Pimax could at least do this in the current situation.

It looks to me like the beginning of a movement in a positive direction :beers:


It’s a start, but they are still forcing the need to forfeit stretch goals. Which is ludicrous.

There is now barely a discount and still an underhand get out from their commitments.

Just double that additional discount, offer an option to keep stretch goals… then I feel things will be in a better position for people!


This is indeed good news thank you Pimax team for reviewing the pricing for backers.


i also think its a good step forward…


Yes, and I would also not mind a double such discount :grinning:
Stretched goals, of course, a pity to lose.

But you must admit, $ 350 from $ 1300 on 8KX already looks better than before $ 250. (especially if we no longer have a plan for current owners). Yes, it’s not much, but it’s at least something better.

Although, it would be good if the amount of $ 350 would be a net discount for backers with the preservation of all goals :beers: :sunglasses::+1: (dreams, dreams…)


We now get a ~1:1 trade-in value by using the upgrade plans for the 8KX, but there still isn’t any discount.
The “current owner” plan actually do get a 200 discount without giving up anything at all so it is still the only thing that has any of the talked about “great discounts”


Will the refund be automatic?

Yes, but before that we simply “refused” to stretched goals when it became known that the “owner plan” is not available for backers.

Now it has become a little more profitable ($ 100).
This is not the ultimate dream, I agree. But this is some benefit. ($ 100 for abandoning stretched goals that are unclear when they will be made).

I see this as an added benefit compared to yesterday’s situation after abandoning the “owner plan” for backers.


There still isn’t any deal at all though, and I for one will never give up any stretch goals as long as no deal is offered.


Good to see someone is listening.
Still doesn’t work for me, the MAS is the thing I want for my 5K+, not the eye tracking, so I am better off taking the stretch goals. After stretch goals I’ll see what the reviews for the 8K+ are like, and maybe sell my current gear if the 5K+ with a MAS and perhaps comfort kit aren’t good enough.


I remain less interested in getting a better (…or “fairer” if you like) special deal as a backer, than I am in the base price being more affordable for everybody (but I’ll freely admit I don’t know what sort of budgeting room there is for that).

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It’s only not available it seems to push backing out of stretch goal obligations. Why as @XabbuSwe said no real backer discount. Just more balancing what was paid as a credit to purchasing a new pimax headset.


Yes, I am very sorry to lose our stretched goals.
It seems to me, it would be logical simply to add options for choosing to save stretched goals for a surcharge of $ 100, for those who want :+1:


It was just so much easier to score – poor goalie; All that running. :wink:

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that makes all the difference for me. Now I will use the upgrade program. I think that the backer stretch goals for Pimax would certainly be more expensive. Well done, Pimax


I find the new 8KX price to be mighty tempting. If I decide to buy one, it will be in late December, after I determine what’s left in the family budget after Xmas. Also, by then, some of the first backer reviews should have been posted.


You are right. I still will wait for some reviews befor I will buy another headset. besides, the family comes first, of course.


If we forfeit the stretch goals they should buy back our headsets- and not for $200 or something completely insulting. Why have one of these newer version 1.5 headsets (which is essentially what we all signed on for originally) alongside an incomplete, version 0.5 headset. Why should we carry that financial burden? Maybe some backers would like the half baked unit as a spare, but I think the majority are fine with one properly built unit, thank you very f*cking much. ALL OF THIS is a result of Pimax rebranding what was supposed to be a proper 8K. Don’t buy this “vision” rebranding bullshit. It’s a complete dodge.

To put it another way- Pimax gave 5K backers the option to buy up to a 5K+ and the 8K backers the option to downgrade. How many vanilla 5K’s do we see on the market right now? They were obsolete before they left the nest. Current 5K+'s and 8K’s are the exact same thing. These 5K+'s may be re-engineered with the new build quality and perhaps better displays, but the 8K’s will be erased from the lineup upon release of the proper 8K+'s. What would be fair is they take these half baked units back, and allow us an upgrade fee similar to what we had at the kickstarter.

For $100 + return of my half baked 5K+ I would consider this a goodwill gesture from Pimax.
For $200 + the return, I would consider fair and equitable.

Anything beyond that they are simply putting profits over the backers. If you are a defender of Pimax’s policy and want to come at me with a sob story about profits, by all means- please do. This company has been making concessions and mistakes since their development versions in 2017. At every turn they have been playing a brinksmanship game to see what we would settle for. I will settle for Pimax covering for their mistakes. YOU own this, Robin Weng. YOU should make this right with the backers. Happy backers will promote your product and you will be more justified selling these units at your proposed MSRP.

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Yes its better but not very good. There are people who want to keep their stretch goals, there is more value in them for some than pimax is offering. There are full backers who are ok with giving up lh and controllers due to making other arrangements, but again are being forced to also give up stretch goals to be able to do this.

We now have a highly conditional discount that amounts to somewhere between $50 and $100 off a $1300/$1400 item. That is hardly a good deal that some seem to be thinking it is.

I get some are finding it worth consideration, that’s fine. Everyone has their own value on things. But for now I’m not giving up stretch goals so I’m not getting anything.