Am I correct in thinking that we cannot update base station (V1) firmware without extra non-Pimax hardware?

The steamvr.vrsettings hack issue was mostly because I gave outdated info, you do it a bit differently now. But yeah doesn’t seem like its needed anyway. Just run SteamVR without Pitool with the basestation plugged in and wait a bit. Worst case plug in a controller to force it, should work with anything recognized by SteamVR including a gamepad.

And yeah you could still go for a null HMD driver solution too, but yeah needs a bit of file editing


Hey no worries. This is a valid discussion. Pimax should have made sure this was covered as per Valve’s original advertising. Instead we have one pimax member trying to sell we don’t need to be able to update Lighthouses; ignoring that with the alternative program to use a mobile phone to control power is useful to have the newer power states available. Or the fact that updates in the past was to improve responsiveness in games like beatsaber. Or simply that some updates may improve peripherals like controller & trackers etc…

On the Valve side. Why didn"t they just offer to sell a separate over priced special dongle for updating and control without a headset.


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