About Pimax business versions and models for the upcoming pre-order

Please skip the “s” and just call standard for 5k.

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@deletedpimaxrep1 @PimaxVR

Does this mean you have released the NDA for the testers who got to test it in Berlin?

Exactly, why would they include inferior screens at a higher cost as a benefit to business users? It’s nonsense.

Agreed. And I think that they were afraid that backers would expect it as a free upgrade so they hoped to keep it quiet until they all shipped. I wonder if they didn’t realize that paying a bit more for it wouldn’t piss anyone off, but releasing it a few months after we got them certainly would! And then there’s the fact that it was on the sales page along with the other consumer models listed as a 5KS rather than a 5KBE.

We’ll see what the backers think at the meetup this week. I am hopeful that it is a superior 5K+ that I can pay to upgrade to, but if not the 5K+ still sounds great right now.

I knew they would offer the option once we found out about it though, and for that I am thankful.

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Simple truth we don’t need ti understand why a business wants oled pentile. We only need to know what we are getting.


Well this is great to hear. I love big screen and do my bike training in it. (With zwift)


Just feel acceptable if it is a business version, but feel difficult in making decision again and may have to wait more time for review.

I just test Archangel (2nd stage) by samsung and vive pro yesterday again, the clarity is great although pimax tell that sde is worse. The ship and building look clear so much.

From the test, I am not sure that the great experience caused by clarity or great colour.
I don’t feel more improvement so much when test by theBlu, each game can make different experience.

The important is if the 5k be make better feeling by better colour, we need compare this version with 8k which has better colour than 5k+, but less SDE.


They are not strictly inferior, they are different. For gaming (and possibly for movies) they are strictly inferior and those are the major applications for backers. Business can have other needs (e.g. no need for high refresh rate, colors more important etc.).

And no, they did not include them (for backers) because as you say it makes no sense. It is the backers who “forced” them to offer the option after the webpage information leak.


So wait, you just said that the OLED makes more sense for businesses because no way would they prefer the advantages of the LCDs like backers do, but OLED makes no sense for backers because no way they would want the OLED advantages that businesses would want? You make no sense, of course both would want to weigh both options and choose for themselves

The backers didn’t force anything, the leak made people aware of it and of course they wanted to know more about them, so Pimax did the only sensible thing which is to let backers check it out and give them the option.

We’ll see what people think at the backer meetups.

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Am I the only one who remembers talk about the OLED 5k from the Berlin meetup?

So much so, I thought it was the 5k+ which had that screen, and was confused at first when it didnt “Wait, I thought the new 5k was OLED?” went around my head.

I don’t want to go back through all the videos posted, but I’d bet a clean $100 that one of the videos has people mentioning it.

Simply put companies often have non consumer versions of products for businesses & is as simple as that.

You keep saying it’s that simple, yet the Vive Pro was for businesses and is sold to consumers also. As someone who’s worked in the gaming industry for 20 years I’m quite aware of how all of this works.

Maybe Pimax doesn’t as their website “is being rebuild” live.

Then there should be no confusion.

Vive Business version yes as far as we know no real difference from consumer version. Just priced considerably higher for commercial license & supposedly better warranty & support. Of which we know htc has failed in warranty & support due to both consumer & commercial users alike reporting numerous issues.

Pimax & other companies offer customized versions based on feedback from commercial businesses & at their option are not obligated to offer these special models to consumers.

But as you said you know this already. :beers::wink::+1::sparkles:

Yes not a good idea to test beta web pages on a live site.

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I never said they were obligated, but you can keep talking smack if you like…

Likewise you are talking smack. :beers::wink::+1::sparkles:

Some details that really don’t affect us; needn’t be dwelled upon.

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I’ll talk about whatever I like, unless you want to mod me out too.

Then don’t call things smack when your talking smack in the first place. Lol why would I mod what to me seems like mostly a friendly conversation.

No need to be so defensive :beers::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1::sparkles:

Confirming Helio is not a dick, at least on the 322 days I have visited this forum.


I was? :beers::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1::sparkles: :beers::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1::sparkles: :beers::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1::sparkles:

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I did try the OLED version. Problem is, they had it set up only for 1 demo that used their leap motion clone. And that demo was completely dark. Black levels were great. But, thats all i could tell you.

I was there and asked to play another game with the OLED hmd and they started Lucky’s Tale, it looked great! Its not drastic though, the 8K, 5K+, and OLED all are amazing really - I think the OLED would be my pick over the 5K+ if it was ready to ship.


I have to say I thought the image quality of it was superb. The colours were definately far more vibrant than both the 5K+ and 8K thanks to the OLED screens. SDE/pixelaton from pixel layout was maybe a little worse but if so, only slightly


Sounds like the backers need more access to the OLED version and to take a closer look at it.

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I’m guessing there are deeper issues at play as to why they don’t adverites it as their main flagship.