About 60-70% performance improved on RTX2080Ti

Come on, don’t dismiss it because it isn’t high-end PC VR.

Of course it will not compete with the Pimax if you want to play a simulator in the room with your monster PC.

But it will allow for a genuine VR experience, unlike the Go, and still at a very reasonable price point. It will open up real VR experiences to many who are not interested in spending much on a VR system and wouldn’t want to make the place for desktop, the sensors and the cables. For the generation of iPad or Laptop only users it will make a big difference, because it will be super-easy to use and you can let it disappear in the closet after use. The Quest will show the potential of untethered, highly mobile & convenient real VR, just with low end graphics.


Oculus set out on a five year plan to leapfrog the competition in high end vr. It may suck that we don’t get the benefits of their research now, but that’s been their plan for at least a couple of years now.

They’re not waiting on someone else. They’re not sitting on a ready to go high end hmd waiting for the market opportunity. They’re spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing something still years away which aims to leave everyone else for dead. The low end hmds keep them in the spotlight and keeps their content alive in the meantime.

This is why we need a benevolent billionaire to buy oculus from Facebook in the next couple of years. They’re likely to succeed in leapfrogging the competition.

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I don’t see that happening, we can wish for it though.

TBH I’m not sure it’s worth it for them to try to dominate the high end, until VR becomes mainstream. The lower end is a much bigger market.

Thanks @PimaxVR,

I don’t think this is a good idea, locking the Pitool to a specific render value defeats the object of having a slider?

A better option would be to have it load as Default on render 1.5 and 1.75 (respectively) on any new game launch. Hopefully if your devs can implement the per game .ini suggestion the community put forward then each .ini file will have the pre mapped settings for PiTool and only new games need to be setup, having a ‘default option’ (as per Pimax’s suggestion) for the render is a good starting point.



StarVR isn’t the first VR headset with built in eye tracking.
The FOVE (japanese headset also launched through kickstarter) has it, is available, and has been tested by various websites.

Unfortunately, while it seem to work like a charm for interacting with your virtual environment (even having NPC react differently), or changing the depth of field blur depending on where you’re looking at, foveal rendering is another thing since video cards lack a proper and generic implementation so far, and needs to be implemented specifically by the devs for that specific headset using their SDK.

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That generic implementation on a driver level is what was introduced by nVidia with Turing as VRS.

That doesn’t mean that VRS is the last piece of the puzzle for highly reliable foveated rendering but it’s a very important part of it.

I’d be highly suprised if AMD’s Navi comes without VRS and VirtualLink.

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You present this as a “perfomance gain”, thanks to a “new rendering algorithm”, when in fact this is just a return to normal situtation compared to your compatibility mode implying a 30% performance hit.

In other words nice demonstration from pimax about how to turn the “removal of a perfomance hit” (due to necessary compatibility mode for old unreal engine / oculus games not natively supporting angled displays from pimax headsets) into a magical performance “gain” permitted by a “new rendering algorithm”… :unamused:

That was my initial gut feeling, and that post from sgallouet comforted the above explanation:

No performance improvement as the title and OP suggests, just the removal of a performance hit for games not needing compatibility mode…

Marketing, marketing, marketing… This science about twisting reality…
And then we are supposed to be confident in pimax when they answer questions from the community…?

I mean questions like:

  • why does this 8K panel seem to have about the same subpixel count than the 5K+ panel ?
  • when EXACTLY will you be able to supply pimax controllers ?
  • when will brainwarp be added to pitool ?
  • why the coupon cannot be used for base stations ?
  • when EXACTLY will you be able to supply base stations to bakers who already have some in their pledge ?
  • why are you back pedaling about the possibility to buy base stations outside of bundles ?

Reminder: pimax 8K FAQ states base stations will be available from pimax website: “We will make all the modules and accessories available on our website, including eye tracking, wireless transmission, scent enabling, house-scale tracking module, cooling fan, customized VR frame, single controller, single base station.”)

I could sum this up into a single question: when is pimax going to begin telling the truth instead of continuously twisting the reality…? (and when not giving a twisted answer you are just endlessly delaying this answer, if not completely ignoring the question as you did for the 8K panel subpixels…)


I had thought the new rendering algorithm is MVR. The reason it was not used before is due to compatibility with older game engine versions. So not a “return to normal situation” this is a newer technology only available on Pascal and up cards. It is in fact a newer rendering technique, one that neither Vive, Oculus or WMR uses.


Actually MVR is only supported on the new RTX cards. The SPS which MVR is an upgrade to is compatible with pascal and up.
However only MVR can support displays that are not horizontally aligned like they are on the pimax. However vrworks is supposed to require per game implementation so i doubt it is this.
So this is not MVR or SPS.

Really unfortunate though as it is a really great perfomance boost, but vrworks is still not on the main branch of unity…

And that is a real shame, same goes for VRSLI.

So then do we have an idea of what rendering technique is/does? Sorry I thought I had kept up on this thread but I must have missed something.

I think neelrocker might be onto something. Compatibility in the name sortoff gives it away. That it is a feature they developed, but it was on by default which perhaps was a mistake, as it made perfomance look worse on titles that don’t need it.

Bought 780ti x2 for VRSLi in the year 2015.
Guess how that turned out…

5% of the time it works every time?

Perhaps their own attempt to implement single pass stereo at the renderer level?

As explained above, not my understanding.

Again my understanding is compatibility mode implies a perfomance hit which pimax just tried to make it look like they achieved a performance gain supposedly using some clever optimization.

So not only twisting reality like that hides pimax headsets have a performance hit due to a necessary compatibility mode when playing those games not natively supporting angled displays (a mode in which GPU power is just wasted), but it even tries to make people believe there has been some nice optimization resulting in a 30% gain, when in reality it is just being back to normal performance when not having to render more pixels (= wasted GPU) for compatibility mode.

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OK I get what you are saying. Their rendering technique is not compatible with older engines, so they implemented another that is 25 - 30% less efficient than their original and are touting this as a new rendering technique.

Do we know that for sure? Has someone matched the render size of the Vive to the Pimax and seen a 25- 30% difference in framerate. Also you would have to take into an account that there would still be a difference due to the wide FOV and the amount of objects on screen.

Also this could still be a new technique depending on the timing of when it was developed and when the last improvement was made, it is hard to say without all the facts.

No, you’re completely missing the point. There is no “new” rendering technique, all they did was change the default check box from “compatibility mode on” to “compatibility mode off”… that check box always caused a 30% hit to performance because compatibility mode requires more pixels to achieve the same thing. Its not new, but pimax are claiming its new and they’ve done magic, but all they did was click a check box off.

Your talking about 2 different things.

Parallel Projection is a compatability mode tgat affects performance.

Pimax Said with 20series cards a new algorithm that is not backwards usuable by older 10series cards.

So there are 2 potenial performance gains. If a game doesn’t need the compatability mode a game will perform better. If you have a 20series card you get a boost in general on top of either use.