A new Pimax.com!

The website design was carried out in house by a designer whom majored in design in the United States. We are limited in what information we can share and when we can share it. Our company is still quite small and for the sake of improving the website’s general user experience we pushed out an update before some particular pages were populated. This is because we still have an internal embargo on information related to certain device capabilities and projects. Dealing with offices and employees speaking multiple languages, located on multiple continents, and during the covid lockdowns comes with a few hurdles we are still navigating as a small company. I’m very sorry for the inconvenience that our website update has caused you, but rest assured we will be further updating the website as time goes on to improve the experience. Also keep in mind we have fewer than 200 employees and over 100 of those are engineers and only a small handful of our staff speak or read English at all. Business marketing and practices that seem commonplace in the west are often quite foreign to the Chinese market, so there are bound to be a few growing pains as our company develops. Again I apologize.


Thank you for your input. I will go and check the relevant pages and see if we can’t get them fixed as soon as possible. As for the laptop question, I’ll clarify it with Kevin and Martin and see what they say. I have not personally tested the 8kx KDMAS with a laptop so I can’t say. I appreciate your helpful response.

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