8KX review a week into ownership

So it finally arrived last Monday and I have had a couple of hours with it now so here’s my review. I’m a long term 5K+ user and I’m fully aware of the various tweaks in SteamVR. IPD is 67.5 for reference.


Box was fine did it’s job for transportation, nothing special. Nothing in the box except the HMD and a letter from an engineer stating to make sure you set it up correctly but no instructions on how to do this. No lense cleaning cloth, small thing but a bit disappointing that it wasn’t included at this price point. Face foam was attached to the unit (11mm), no additonal face foam included. Again disappointing at this price point. It was also noted there was no protective film on the lenses as there has been with every other HMD i’ve owned, again very disappointing at this price point.


Pretty straight forward. Swapped out the 5k plugged in the X and it was picked up by Pitool straight away. No need for a firmware update which was nice. Reset IPD offset and vertical offset then checked RQ etc.


Straight forward, released the velcro top strap put headset on and lowered the rear of the strap to just below the bump at the back of my head and twisted the tightening knob to secure it in place. Then reattached the velcro top strap so as to hold the unit height correctly. I noticed significant light bleed from the sides and that the comfot kit wasn’t very comfortable so tried adjusting the top strap and rear strap height a bit but still not very comfortable at all. The comfort kit seems to have been designed for someone with a wider head than mine. The light bleed could be fixed with a face foam with thicker sides or some modding with additional pieces of foam placed to close the gap. Again disappointing that this wasn’t considered and a DIY mod is required for a device at this price point.

Visual tuning and clarity

Having run my 5k+ with no eye strain, distortion or focus issues for many months at an IPD setting of 67.5, I naturally dialled in the X to the same value, launched iRacing and put the headset on. Straight away I noticed my right eye was out of focus so I tried moving the unit around to correct with no luck. I could see the focus improve in my right eye when i shifted the unit to the right but get worse in the left. I then slowly moved the IPD setting wheel to decrease the IPD hoping to find the balance between both eyes again with no luck. The left eye improved when the unit was sat on my face without being shifted but the right eye was still out of focus at the minimum IPD setting. Again if i shifted the unit physically i could get the right eye in focus but this pushed the left eye out of focus. I then tried adjusting the IPD offset but quickly realised that this wouldn’t help as no mater what setting, the physical lense was still off. I then positioned the headset so as to get a compromise between each eye and have both slightly out of focus. When moving the unit around I found that when 1 eye was in focus the clarity was great, which was extremely frustrating as it could look so good if both lenses were aligned. When i eventually settled on a position with both eyes slightly out of focus it also became clear that there was a very noticable blur around the very small sweet spot and outer edge distortions which meant that as i turned my head to look at a wing mirror i could see the shape of it changing as my head rotated. I had noticed this before with the 5k+ when using a thicker face foam so knew it was because of the increased eye to lense distance provided by the new comfort kit. With that in mind i swapped out the comfort kit with the 5k gasket and foam which i knew gave the correct distances and that i had no alignment issues with the lenses on the 5k and hoped this would resolve all of the issues on the X given it has the same lenses and physical shape as the 5k. I was wrong, even with the lenses closer they were still misaligned in fact even more so. The distortion had gone which was great but the blur was still there but not so prominent. The good eye sweet spot was bigger and again if i closed the out of focus eye the clarity was amazing but equally frustrating that i couldn’t get both eyes in focus. I again shifted the unit to get a compromise betwen the left and right hoping that i’d maybe get used to it and my brin would work it out, again no joy it just led to a headache and more frustration. Just to cover all the bases I added some padding to the orignal comfort kit it came with to see if it would resolve the alignment issue, but again no joy. It slightly improved the alignment but caused the distortion , blur and sweet spot to become worse still, it also added a dark line to the outer edge in each eye.
During the usage period it also became clear there was significant Mura. It felt like i was looking through a helmet visor which had a transparent visor tear off that wasn’t cleaned properly. Again very disappointing at any price point.

So at this point after trying everything i could find on the forums and things which had worked historically on the 5k+, i can only conclude that there is a calibration problem with the lenses. Maybe the geared mechanism that moves the lenses is off on 1 side compared to the other, who knows. It’s not the comfort kit because if it was the 5k gasket would fix the problem. I’ve had my IPD checked at the opticians and my IPD is even left to right from centre so it’s not my head / eyeballs.

Given the extra development that was carried out acording to @PimaxUSA and the increased QA steps that are in place, it begs the question, how was this not picked up?. Also how was this issue not identified at the various roadshows or CES where countless people tried the headset?.

I guess something changed with the final builds that have been shipped?


During the short period of testing I tried the SMAS audio purely because the design doesn’t allow me to use my headphones. In short as widely stated, it is frankly awful. Keep in mind this is a flagship unit for Pimax with a price tag to match the audio falls short in every department. Quality, clarity and range are comparable to a low end phone speaker being played in a tin can. What makes them even worse is that not only do they sound bad but the design stops me wearing my exisitng headphones which leaves me with the option of buying some earbuds or doing the HTC DAS MOD to get decent audio. I can only think this move was an intentional one to drive sales of the DMAS. But given that the SMAS was condsidered acceptable I’m not willing to chance it that Pimax’s take on “deluxe” audio would be anything other than adequate and not worth the asking price. Purely for the heck of it i tried the BOOM application which others have stated was a game changer, but no, loudness isn’t the issue, I’ve been producing and engineering music for 20 + years and I know that it doesn’t matter what EQ or effects you apply to a sound source, if the speakers are crap nothing can fix that except new speakers.


In summary the Pimax 8KX experience has been poor to say the least. Forgetting about the long drawn out wait and inability to deliver as promised in the order that purchases were made. The product I received is in no way a £1200 flagship VR headset. There was apparently more deveplopment time put into this product after CES and it was stated by @PimaxUSA that there were big improvements being made when compared to the unit the @mixedrealityTV previewed, but this doesn’t seem to be the case. With that in mind I’d like to apologies to @mixedrealityTV as I doubted the sincerity of his preview due to the NDA issues. I was wrong to do so and it does appear it was a genuine unbiased review.

One small positive that has come out of my exprience with the X is that support are far more responsive now. I’ve had pretty decent response times even if the responses haven’t been great. For example offering a protective sleeve and a store voucher instead of RMA’ing my unit is laughable!

Anyway my rating of the 8KX,

2/10 in it’s current state.

Should the issues above be resolved I would rate it a solid 7/10


I personally think the SMAS sucks, which is why I did the Vive DAS headphone swap. As far as the Boom 3D application, I never stated it was game changing. I simply suggested it was a way to improve the SMAS sound. Does it make it sound amazing? Of course not, but it does improve the sound to some degree. So until the KDMAS is released it was just an option to try to squeak a tiny bit of better sound from it.


I wasn’t referencing you as saying it was game changing tbf

I saw the statement in the Facebook group. That being said i didn’t notice any improvemnet at all with the app.

Hi Dion,

sure, apologies accepted. I am glad you found out in hindsight, that my preview was indeed unbiased and genuine.

Bye, Sebastian


Your “Visual tuning and clarity” part is exactly the same for me. I was thinking my IPD of 62 mm is too low, but reading through your experience it is rather an issue of the 8KX and its lenses. I just can’t imagine Pimax engineers put the HMD on and thought: yes, this is really good and will satisfy people. The sweetspot is sooooo tiny, reading text is painful for every second doing so. In games like Skyrim or Vader Immortal its okay, as you don’t have to read text as much, but i thought the strength of the 8KX is its clarity when reading…

I watched mixedrealityTV’s video about the G2 and i’m really tempted to just buy it and sell everything pimax related if its really that good. But the FOV :joy: :poop:


Yep exactly, how that got through testing is beyond me. Maybe something was changed that they didn’t expect to have an impact or the build process was rushed as they ramped up output. Who knows, it’s very unlikely @PimaxUSA or anyone on that side that would know will comment on the situation though as it will be a major problem for them if they do as the RMA’s would be huge!


Yeah i have a 63mm ipd and I had to turn it all the way to it’s lowest setting for a focused image. Even then one lens was kinda out of focus. Maybe true, maybe not: If you do this, make sure to offset the different in Pitool. Eg, if your real IPD is 63 but you have the hardware ipd set to 59, put offset as +4 in Pitool. I’m pretty sure if u don’t do this your eyes will be looking in a very unnatural direction.

Thanks, i did this and much more while trying to get rid of eye strain and increase/adapt focus of both eyes. But both problems remain. Also tried the old 5K+ gasket as Octofox suggested, but to no avail.

How is your hw ipd range? Mine shows 60-70 with knob without offset.

There should be a small box/booklet with the instructions, support/forum info, and a lens cleaning cloth. They put mine in the same slot where they put the cable ends. It isn’t firmly attached to anything, so it is possible that it just slide around the bottom of the box.

What a coincidence, if only they had shipped the headsets with a thin foam and a thick foam… like they said they were going to. Now everyone complains about it being too loose and requests replacement foams.

While reading this I thought, I have exactly the same problems with IPD 67mm.
I used software IPD and one screen vertical 0,5 offset that helped a bit but I still had crosseyed feeling after longer use.
Also the blurryness of anything outside the sweetspot and chromatic aberations on the lower picture borders is too much.

Dissapointed of that premium price headset and I will sell it this weekend on ebay.


I can’t remember exactly what it was when I tried it but it was about 60. Maybe 59.8 or something if u really pushed it.

Did you ever try the thing where you adjust IPD offset in VR while peeking at the IRL controllers and trying to get them to match up in VR in both eyes?


I saw distortions when I initially receive my 8kx but after making adjustments to the thin foam thickness i am surprised to see no distortions anymore, so I poped into the realovirtual environment and measured fov of just shy of 170, i would say about 167. I just can’t believe this is possible and how good it is to have such a large fov minus distortions.

Reading reviews like this, seems like face shape is a big factor determining the experience, and how impossible vr at current stage to be one size fits all. Extra effort is needed to work out the kinks of 8kx and take advantage of the extra fov.

I dont think mrtv is anything wrong speaking his own experience, like I am here , sharing quite an opposite experience.

But this makes me wonder if you had a faulty unit.

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My 5k+ has the lens misalignment issue. I have to pick an eye and let the compensate for the rest.

As you know in sim racing we are always looking through the turns and our heads pointed so this split clarity per eye becomes noticeable when driving. I spent a lot of time with pitools and the strap adjustments to find a balance but the issue is physical of the lenses.

Since you can’t move each lens individually you’re stuck with this.


Yeah I’ve put in the effort to work out the kinks and can dial out the distortion pretty much to the same degree as my 5k. The misalignment isn’t a kink that can be worked out though. Given that the physical attributes of the casing and the lenses are the same, the cowling from the 5k should have it looking the same but it doesn’t. The mura can’t be worked out by the user and really does show that the claimed extra QA and delays because of the extra steps was another lie, if these extra checks that delayed shipment were in place then we wouldn’t be seeing countless 8KX’s with bad Mura and misaligned lenses.


Hi robert1

Have a look at what I posted here yesterday :slight_smile:


Yes i did this with my 5K. But i forgot about that trick :innocent:

I installed the Vive DAS for testing, adjusted the vertical offset to -3.5 and phyically pushed the lenses further together as far as they allow . Have to do more testing but i think the eye strain is better. Maybe also the focus a bit.

Thanks for the reminder :slightly_smiling_face:

Waiting to receive my 8KX but after reading your post I looked to see if there was any slack in my Artisan assemble but non to be found at all - all solid. If that’s the underlying cause of everyones problems with the 8KX getting both eyes in focus then it needs to be sorted I would have thought.

So I got a reply from support about the Mura and apparently the R&D team think they may have a software fix for it. They didn’t say when this would be available so i guess it’ll be another Pimax waiting experience or an RMA. Not sure which will take longer, a return trip to China or a software fix which may or may not work :thinking:

It would be nice if we could get some sort of comment on the lense alignment from Pimax, the silence is deafening at teh moment and screams we don’t care? @PimaxUSA @PimaxQuorra @SweViver