8K X Occasionally Blacks out for a few seconds (Potentially Solved, EMI Ground Loop/ Interference likely the cause)

I can see exactly why it could happen. You have a massive projector right near the cable - just a thought.

I would agree 100% If I actually used the projector but it hasn’t been powered up in 2 years.
I wouldn’t say the cable is right next to the projector either, it’s probably a good 4 feet from the projector when im playing most games seated in my chair.

If the power cable isnt connected to the projector, then no that wouldnt be the cause
But i also notice that your cable almost touches the ceiling also at some points. The power lines in the ceiling may cause interference also? Not sure what it could be in your case. You’d have to look at your surroundings and see if there could be any signal interference from BT or Wifi peripherals of any kind, etc.

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That’s a good point you make about the cable coming close to the ceiling, the power for the lights go right by the cable, probably within about 6 inches of the cable on the other side of the drywall.
Do you think it would still interfere with the switch powered off?
The projector is switched at the wall as well.

Its worth a try to move where the cable runs

great. i was only trying to help. i know a bit about it. i was building drones , in 2014.

you are also correct, some will do, more is better. but you need the cable. matching potential interferance with the suppression would be good too.

the next option is make a ground plain, conect the negatives together.

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What is this? I don’t understand

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i do not get that either.

looks like a single loop around nothing.

sorry, i do not understand.

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Ye that seems like it doesnt do anything

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So can something like this be solved by simply adding some wire shielding around the pimax cable? Perhaps something like this? https://www.amazon.com/Tinned-Copper-Braided-Sleeving-Diameter/dp/B01BIBQCD8/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=emi+wire+shielding&qid=1623343569&sr=8-3

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Yes this was mentioned in Thanos’ discord and i even have this in my house somewhere. It just needs to be connected to a ground at one end i would assume.

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With the new Pitool this problem will only be a distant memory.

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Not necessarily my friend. PiTool 271 and i was having those blackouts but after i moved the cable it stopped except now i have black flashes for like 0.5s or less. It just flashes a black screen for me now.

I got these ferrites and tried it - no good for me. I was getting USB disconnect/reconnects for some reason and screen kept doing the flashes. like 3 times in 15 minutes the screen flashed black.

Im getting a new tested cable that has shielding. Waiting for it to ship out. I will report back if this new cable is better.

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Sounds like you got some serious circuit or main power cable routing issues. Im repeating myself here but the only time i’ve seen issues like this is due to the main power cable infecting stuff and it took me a while or testing everything before discovering that. Even if its on a different circuit. Is that the one you mean that you will do shielding on?

You need to check where your wires go and keep the main cable that powers everything as far from the rig and other cables as possible. And make sure its not on the same circuit as your computer or any usb hubs. Its the biggest source of EMI you have (even with a filter in my experience) that can infect your rig even 50cm away or go into other wires. The shielded ones motor will also emit more if they are tied as one

Those ferrites cure any remaining EMI for me. I had the same issue on the Vive 2 pro. 5 Loops and then gone. As i also mention with the ferrites i have on mine i can keep it near any shielded wire with no issues whatsoever so its doubtful you have any issues there since you have checked the ground loop

One thing you can try that also helps is to directly ground the USB cable and Hubs. Just stick a wire (preferably a thin crimp on) in on top of the USB. That also helps but you should not need to

On a side note i had a blackout the other day. Turned up the fans and no more issues. Only time ive had more than one in quick succession was also solved by that

The problem was merely a tempermental connection that was exclusive to the “Fiber Optic Cable” connection (thinner cable and connector connected… worse…)

    • This confused me because the regular cable had no problem: So The only thing that made sense was handshake.
      (because one cable worked fine, the other did not, while negotiating the same resolution)

Nevertheless, adding slack to the cable at the headset, and before that last… (cant think of word…) “That Bit” and pinning that slack with a zip tie worked.

They tested both optical and the original cable. The Optical Cable has a ground loop within itself according to pimax engineers. They’re sending me a shielded optical cable to test out. I will also plug in the default cable it came with over the weekend probably and see if that works better.


ya shttn me?!?!
… … So I was right, and the only reason why my solution worked is because it stabilized the connection beyond spec…

i Dont know what you stabilized - you showed a picture of the cable with a loop, but nothing on it - so im not really sure what you did.

We dont really know if that’s the issue yet but they did show me a video of a ground loop going through the optical cable, but not the original cable. So they’re sending me an optical cable to test out.

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