8k+ First Impressions (Non-simmer)

Thats my ipd-sweetspot too with 65.5mm to 63-64 + 0.5 more stereoseparation (IPD-Offset).


Tetris effect was so absorbing that I totally forgot I was meant to be on a call.

I’d say I kinda prefer it [on the 8k+] v’s Index you miss all the pretty effects going on in around the ‘tetris board’.

Colours look pretty nice as well although you notice the blacks a bit.

I think I’m liking the headset more tbh. Pitools less.


I think I posted in another thread, I used ROV Steam Test room and used the blue Crosse as reference to dial in my best experience IPD until the blue cross was not shifted away to any side and all perfectly aligned…


This is very interesting, could you elaborate a bit more on how did you use this to adjust IPD? Cheers! :slight_smile:

Edit: I see there’s a video and a standalone version too, will dig in :wink:


I will try doing Screenshots tonight…


Ok, sorry did not manag as fast as I wanted.
I use the colored crosses if you look at the picture, you can see that they dont 100% allign. The blue cross with the yellow marker as en example is a bit off to the left. The other red cross marked with the green box is “perfect”.

So I try to go into the ROV Test room and look at the text wall from 2 meters and focus on one letter. I try to slike down the physical IPD until I can see the letter the best with one eye closed (vise versa with the other eye). If you tild our head and keep the letter in focus, you can easily see where the sweet spot is and where not. This might also require adujsting the HMD on your face, as this makes a world of a difference for me if it is slightly off.

After finding the lense sweet spot with each eye, i “know” that I must have the lenses position quite fitting for me.
After that I swap over to the colored crosses you see above. I try to center by position to one of the crosses (one of the blue ones for no specific reason) at 2m distance. If you focus on just that
one and look at it with one eye closed an swap, you will see that they are shifted in opposite directions (left/right) to the cross above/below.
I now click on the Software IPD slider in Pitool, so that I can use the arrow keys from the keyboard after that to increase or decrease the soft IPD. Doing that worsens the offset or makes it better (play it a bit). Important also check with both eyes open on every change, it might also take the eyes a few seconds to adjust to the new setting.

Doing this, I can find a position that has no double vision (way off) of the cross and also the very least left/right offset with both or also just opening one eye. Pushing the IPD to extreme will show you in which ways the image worsens, getting close to the sweet spot in software IPD reduces the unwanted effects by a maximum and is what I then stick to (first).

After that I swap back to the text and check there again if I can see more of the text now or see it sharper and also “easily” without eyestrain. I can almost read the “11th” text on the test wall from 4m distance (each box is 20cm). I did try a bit increasing or decreasing the software IPD again, to be sure its the best.

I did this with a bit of back and forth, which is easy since you can just click 4 times left or right and back again on the keyboard and see if it improves or worsens the image, and now thing that this is most likley the best I can get.

Everything else might depend on adjusting the HMD straps, foam and angle (lift it from your cheecks for instance) and so on depending on your Eye2Lense Position - the correct position can really make a world of a difference!

You can also do all this in a game, but the ROV Test room is more controlled.
Also interesting is, if the FOV test - I can get 180° easily if I push the HMD a tiny bit on to my face (so that the edge distortions disappear) or a quite a bit less if the position and pressure of the HMD are not setup “good”.

Soory - its no magic and no guaranteed way to find “the spot”, but this did help me do dial the stuff in for my.


Great guide! I will try this when receiving my 8K X!


Thank you very much for taking your time to write this up. Will try this when I get my controllers.


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