Today PiTools told me there was a firmware for my 8K+, so I clicked installed. I think it’s version 268.
The casque entered in DFU mode , led cycling red, green, blue.
And then Pitools said Firmware update failed.
Since my headset in stuck in DFU when I reboot my PC , I tried unpluging repluging the headset on different USB port, include USB-C on my GPU
I tried DFuSeCommand with P2.DFU , but even this tool doesn’t find my headset.
Yeah, the led is cycling green red blue, with or without doing the trick to put it in this mode… ( pressing all buttons , then release power after 8sec, then volume up after 8 sec )
I remember that I had to unplug my usb. make the pimax enter the dfu and then put in the usb. since my 5k plus didnt want to flash either. I had to be fast to choose the fw to flash
that the weird thing, even not doing the 3 buttons stuff, the headset is already in DFU mode . LED is cycling red, green, blue ,without having to do it anything.
If I do the 3 buttons stuff, it also work as intended,
3 buttons => release power after 8s, led is light blue
release volume up after 8s, led is cycling
“And the flasher is recognized the dfu mode or is it showing up the pimax and then its gone?”
I don’t understand this question, I run the exe in command line : DfuSeCommand.exe, and it stop right away with an error saying it can’t find the DFU Device
Thanks for helping… but tried exactly that 3 times.
I think I checked the task manager 10 times to be sure no PI-programs is running.
Still not working