8K+ blocked in DFU please Help

And the support just send me a generic answer, they didnt even read my messages , because what they send me I had already tried… i am totally disgusted by Pimax right now. totally will not recomand Pimax to anybody now :frowning_face: :triumph:

ask for doman chen, he is the best support probably.

Maybe try other combinations likes first usb inside and put in dfu or displayport

I’m having problems with my 8KX post firmware flash. Light is blinking white. Is that firmware file posted above something I should try with my 8KX? If not, is there one like it for the 8KX? Thanks

managed to fix the headset by myself.

I could see the main issue is that the flash program couldn’t find my headset.

So I plugged it on my Surface Pro , that also have windows 10 and only 1 USB PORT.

And I used DfuSeCommand there. And the flashing worked.

Then I plugged the headset on my gaming PC, and clicked [Reboot Service] on PiTools and it was recognized again, and tried steamVR also working again,

So that’s mean that the main issue is that the flash software has a serious bug as it doesn’t find the headset on the USB port, event I tried ALL the USB port on my gaming PC , front and back panel. That’s a very serious issue and I hope you will try to fix it.

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it doesn’t have to be the Flash software, it can also be your Windows System

Of course it the software, Windows is the same on both PC, the only difference is that my Gaming PC as LOT of USB port, USB hubs, etc, even a USB port on the graphic card ( RTX 2080 TI ).
PiTool is the only software I had issue on my Gaming PC recently when it comes to update hardware, so it’s reasonable to come to the conclusion that it’s PiTool who don’t manage to get this correctly on my Gaming PC.
Which is weird because I had no issue with the previous version of PiTools.

Same motherboard? Same ram? Same CPU? Same Driver und Dlls? Same running tasks? same…?

What are you talking about? do you have any clues what you are talking about ?
The purpose of a software is to work on ANY configuration, of OS and hardware, as long as they are in the designed requirement ( Windows 10 for PiTools I guess ).
If a software fail to do so, means the software has a bug , not the computer, or the OS.
I am a software engineer myself since '98, so don’t try to explain me how it works.
What are you? a Pimax fanboy who can’t stand critics , critics is good. it’s necessary to improve any software and fix bugs.
Shouting, nothing’s wrong , every things is fine, will not fix anything.

I just wonder if the software is so buggy, why does it run without any problems on another system?
but keep insulting.

Where did I insulted you ?
Why I even try to discuss with you anyway, you obviously don’t know what you are talking about…

I think what he means is, like having a different windows version or a driver or update is different, so the problem is caused. Or any software which uses USB ports on the background is keeping it error out.

I updated Pitool (didnt for a while) and firmware of my 8k+ a few days ago.
I also had a update failure at the end the flash but the headset seems to be updated and it didnt brick.

So yeah it might have a general issue somewhere.

Yeah, that’s I know, which means PiTools has a bug… because that’s is the PURPOSE of a software to work on any configuration, right, that the essence of a PC, everybody has different config, hardware drivers, motherboard etc… so if it’s not working on a specific configuration, means the software has a bug.

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