8K arrived the 22nd october 2018(Ludx) (French and English Reviews)

I generally haven’t noticed any real differences between the 2 headsets in regards to distortion.

But face structure can likely play a role for sure. Some eyes are closer to lenses while others may have a more sunken set. This is where Sj is likely correct with dynamic distortion correction would likely help as distance to lens will affect the angle one has looking to far right & left with the eyes.

Another factor to is how tight are the tolerances on the housing? As with magnification lenses subtle dimension varience may slightly alter placements. The Fabric covering for example if its thickness varies might set a lense off a bit… At a guess probably under a mm… Probably under 0.5mm.

The other factors like biological differences due to region of the world & ethnicity could increase sensitivity to certain things. Ie why Spanish Folk that tried out Oscar’s 5k+ noticed certain things more prominently.

Think of Sherlock Holmes; if he tried a VR headset (any) with his strong perceptional awareness he might notice & be bother by things almost no one save Morierty might see.

I notice the geo distortion(fish bowel) effect mainly with things like fps box when nearing the edge of the peripheral of normal & large fov. However there are things like the dots in the 5k+ I haven’t noticed that SweViver & others have observed. I don’t see or recognize the wobble Seb described on the 8k. In either case it doesn’t mean it’s not there.

Now that being said some will see because they do & others will see things because it was described.

The main thing in any event is whether you find the experience enjoyable. SweViver for example amoung the all the testers was not able to see “The World is Moving phenomenon”. This could be because he was not sensitive to it, his headset had a variation or simply he enjoyed the headset so much his mind muted the effect. Either way the result is the same. He really enjoys using the headset in spite of whatever flaws are present.

Just remember when you get your headset instead of looking for things described. Just play & make your own evaluation. If you go in looking for flaws until you see them. They may bother one as it’s hard to unsee something after you see it.


Hi guys

I updated the first post with the english version of Project Cars 2 :point_up:
There is the French one :

Hope you enjoy :wink:


Great, that is, the 1080ti has enough performance for Project Cars.

I still decided to choose 8K, because I want to get the smallest SDE.
I watched recently how 5K + is compared with VivePro SDE, and for me it does not suit.

Particularly pleased, as you mentioned, that you can see everything far away, and it does not merge into a pixel pattern, which annoyed me in all headsets, including OG Odyssey.
Because of this, I stopped playing racing and started waiting for the new Pimax 8K.

Here is a relative non-direct comparison of 8K with Oculus Rift. Can you confirm that there is no such effect as in the Oculus Rift far away on the horizon?

(The picture from 8K was taken from early videos from the Pimax channel, 8K V3, it seems )

And does your 8K match the 8k image in the video through the lense from the channel Pimax?

For me, the absence of annoying and merging pixels on the horizon is the best sign of good SDE :ok_hand::slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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The 8k picture up there is too blurry and there is absolutely no sde, because of the bluryness of the pic.
In my headset there is still a sde, but low, have to focus on it to perceive it and mostly on sky.

And for this about the Pimax video, it have more Sde but looks much better.


But in the distance there is no such effect as in the picture for Oculus cv1? (squares of pixel grids merging into an SDE pattern).
I am concerned about visibility into the distance :roll_eyes:
In the video, you said that you can see far away and not see the pixels, that’s great. Because in ordinary headsets (Oculus CV1, Odyssey) in the distance SDE is noticeable, and it even reduces visibility.

I just hope that 8K doesn’t have such a noticeable effect, and that you can look calmly into the distance, without being distracted by the effect of SDE, which gets into the eyes in other headsets.

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Thats what I really love also with the headset yes, seeing far away without looking at pixels yes. FoV is great but this is also wonderful.

There is a video in 4k of 6 games on the 8k.

French version on the original post I updated


Thank you for the video! This is amazing, :boom:8K is the best headset!
It is very good to see far in it.
Cars are well visible in the distance, it pleases.
Indeed, it is always very interesting to look through the lens, although, of course, the camera does not convey all the beauty, but nevertheless, it is interesting.
Maybe you will try to make static photos from games and publish them here? That would be interesting too :slightly_smiling_face:


I gave up on photos, couldnt get any decent pictures .

But I made another video ^^


Frankly speaking, I don’t understand how people can say that 5K + is better, which has a smaller pixel resolution per eye … Well, it’s their choice and further use, what else to say…:roll_eyes:

I think 8K is at least superior to VivePro and other similar headsets. Therefore, I have no doubt at all in my choice :boom:

I was waiting for 8K at the beginning of the end of 2017, I was waiting for it all in 2018, and I will get it, and it will be cool guys. I don’t even agree on anything less


Merci pour ces retours :slight_smile:
Je me demandais quels jeux jouer. J’ai reçu (enfin) mon 8K hier.
Bon, le souci c’est que je n’ai pas le kit Vive donc je n’ai pas les déplacements, juste la rotation de la tête, et je n’ai pas non plus les contrôleurs … Je ne sais pas quand Pimax pense envoyer tout ça.

Toujours est-il que j’avais une question à te poser.
J’ai voulu tester hier Project CARS 2, j’avais vu que tu avais fait une vidéo. Le souci est le suivant :
Quand je lance le jeu, tout s’affiche sur l’écran de mon PC, je n’ai rien dans le casque. Lorsque je lance une course, si je bouge le casque, j’ai bien la vision qui tourne, mais toujours sur l’écran du PC.
Est-ce que tu as entendu parlé de ce souci ?

J’ai testé “Keep talking and nobody explode” qui lui s’affiche bien dans le casque.
J’ai testé “Rise of Tomb Raider VR” qui s’affiche lui aussi sur l’écran de PC, mais l’image est compressée sur elle-même, et quand je bouge le casque, ça bouge la vision sur l’écran, mais rien dans le casque …

Salut, avec plaisir :+1:
Félicitations pour ton casque :clap:
Alors, hmm moui, non jamais vu ce souci.

Le casque affiche t il le logo Pimax où le paysage lunaire ?
Steamvr est bien lancé avant de démarrer les jeux? Si oui affiche t il quelque chose dans le casque?

J’ai bien le paysage lunaire, et lorsque je lance SteamVR, j’ai bien la maison avec les 2 bibliothèques + la terrasse extérieure.
Quand je lance le jeu, dans le casque je vois bien qu’il lance Project CARS, mais après rien de plus, je ne vois rien dans le casque, tout est sur l’écran.

Je sais pas s’il y a une option pour lui dire d’afficher le jeu dans le casque.
Est-ce que tu as un double écran sur ton PC ? Du coup avec le casque, ça m’en fait un 3e (je sais pas si c’est assez clair ce que j’ai dit ^^)

Oui dit comme ça, ça à l’air de venir du jeu.
Peut être tester en débranchant un des deux écrans? Je n’ai plus qu’un seul écran.
Tu as testé un autre jeu encore?
1 qui fonctionne, l’autre à moitié et le dernier pas du tout. Un 4eme pour avoir une idée, n’importe quel truc je dirais.

@Ludiks On m’a répondu ur mon topic qu’une personne avait une ça une fois quand les stations n’arrivaient pas à détecter le casque. Peut-être que Project CARS a du mal s’il n’y a pas les stations de Vive ?
Il faut que j’en trouve un d’occase, je crois en avoir vu un sur leboncoin.

J’ai essayé SightLineVR qui est gratuit et qui s’est bien lancé dans le casque.

English please ! It is better for everyone in the forum !

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Sorry @Oege it’s easier indeed :slight_smile:
Nevertheless I opened a topic specially for my issues:


Ok Iam sorry for the messages that didnt get answer here.
I am (hope its the good one) back after some heatlh issues.

Just a little update after a year or so, will make a one year review video in a few days.

Meanwhile there is how is my hmd doing :
A printed VR gun

A printed headstrap upgrade


And other videos on my channel.
Subtitles always available for French<>English

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Hi guys
Another video with my dear 8k
Asgard’s Wrath !
English version :

French version :


I have a lot to catch up, one year with the 8k and I release only today Lone Echo quick review…–>

French version


I am selling it.

PM me for infos and stuff.

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