5k+ Just Arrived. It looks good, but I have an issue with my glasses

You should try with a thick tennis headband, It could solve your problem and swetting also

The current HMDs (Vive, OR) have focal length somewhere around 1m (1.3m for OR, Vive maybe less). The reason is that the focal distance together with stereoscopic view and eye axis convergence is another cue which our brain uses to determine the position of the object in 3D.

Further the object the effect of the convergence and the stereoscopic vision diminish, but focal distance still has an impact.

Since most objects which are rendered in VR are not far away (at infinite distance), but close to the player it is important to choose such focal distance that it does not mismatch too much the real life experience, i.e. something in between the range of 1-3m, so most of the VR content does not fall “far away” from this distance and does not put unnecessary strain on the brain.

See the discussion here: https://community.openmr.ai/t/lens-inserts-with-these-or-a-later-shipment/11233/11

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That would explain a lot of the problems with blurriness. A clear info about the exact focal distance would help getting needed glasses or inserts.

I remember that Alan Yates on twitter and reddit informed that the focal distance for the Vive is infinite. Arguments were that on infinite the ipd is more stable and the pupil swim is less which results in a better experience.

Edit: For the Rift it seems that CV1 is focused at roughly 2m. DK2 was focused at about 1.3m and DK1 was focused at infinity.
Edit2_ PSVR 2 -3 m (6 -10 feet) documented in the official utlimate PSVR FAQ

That‘s funny, I had searched for this value a year ago or so and the only value I recall being mentioned was 3m - but it was very difficult to see any statement on that because it doesn‘t seem to appear in any specs, so what I read surely was not any official statement from the manufacturer. Where did you get the value from ?

I found some references to OR value (1.3m), but do not have it at hand, I believe it was mentioned in Oculus dev docs, but I could not find it there anymore. For Vive I did not find any conclusive value, but just anecdotal experience (from people with different visions and or correction lenses).

but the more rimless the better

select the biggest shape possible that fits the form of the lens, for example w54/h33.

-and angle it a little:) (but it will add little distortion)

-and/or removed the nose pad if necessary.


There are no VR headsets today that has a focal point of infinity,

Ok. Thanks. So you manually add the angle to the frames. I thought maybe you’d found a pair that had that built in. I’ll try that out with an old pair I have.
I looked at the rimless ones and unfortunately none of them can handle the strength of my prescription.

I found this focal points:
Rift CV1 is focused at roughly 2m. DK2 was focused at about 1.3m and DK1 was focused at infinity.
PSVR is focused 2 -3 m (6 -10 feet) documented in the official utlimate PSVR FAQ
Vive I didn’t found a clear value, most say it’s around 80 cm even when Alan Yates said it’s at infinity

This means that the Rift and PSVR have no problem with farsighted or presbyopic view but the VIVE has.

Is there a official information what the focal distance from the 5K+ and 8K is?

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I hope you find a model that supports your prescription. Yes I manually added the angle.

It is actually fairly easy to make the OD+ comfortable as I described in my first time setup guide.