3rd base station?

If I’ll choose to switch to 5K Plus I don’t know how to use 100$ :slight_smile: I already paid for hand motion. And don’t need 10m cable or any other accessories.

But I thought what if to take 3rd base station? Is there any sense of it? Will Pimax work better with 3 stations than with 2? Because Oculus have benefit from using 3 - better tracking. Or maybe Pimax even haven’t ability to use third station and work only maximum with 2?

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Well Pimax is said to work with 1 too, so 3 is definately overkill


Ask for how long that voucher for 100 US$ will be guaranteed.
/by now I know that eyetracking was included for the backers. Thanks for pointing that out to me.
Still it is worth a question towards Pimax for how long that voucher will have value: 1 year, 2 years, 3 years?
@Heliosurge @deletedpimaxrep1

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Isn’t the eye tracking module included as a stretch goal reward?


Pimax uses lighthouse 2.0 which supports up to 4 base station’s to increase the overall trackable playspace from 5x5m to 10x10 overall. You wont see really any improvements as far as tracking with more lighthouses in a standard tracking environment as lighthouse tracking is already pretty damn good. So in my opinion if your not intending to increase the playspace area any then getting another base station would be a waist of your voucher.


Yes, eye-tracking is included.


I would put it towards the wireless tracking module personally. We got a 100 voucher with the kickstarter but I want to put another 100 towards it as it will probably be 300+ like the vive ones are.


I have only 2x2 meters :slight_smile: But with Oculus with 2 sensors I have a problems, sometimes losing tracking. Don’t want to have the similar issues with Pimax tracking.

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Lighthouse tracking is way more stable than oculus tracking, you need at least three with Oculus to reach the sameish tracking than you would have with two lighthouses.

That said having one extra might be good especially if you play first person shooters and have a less than ideal play space.


The tracking of occulus is fundamentally different than that of lighthouse. They use cameras and are weaker and more prone to tracking loss. Lighthouse tracking would see no benefit in a 2x2m space with more sensors.


I would want to add to this as I said in my post, if you angle yourself directly facing a basestation playing first person shooters you will probably have brief loss of or degraded tracking on the controllers, but that’s really the only reason why you’d want it.


The eye tracking module is free for backers.

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I’ve actually got a 6m playspace which is slightly higher than reccomended and in the 2 1/2 years ive owned my Vive ive never once experienced tracking loss playing high movement games like onward and Skyrim

There is just not much to be gained from a third base station thats why you dont see people doing it. Itd be a waste of money.


What do you mean? Why this losses? When left hand covers right hand?
So maybe it have sense… 100$ is not much money for me :slight_smile:

And what about headstrap with earphones and face cushion? Both included in stretch goals, so no sense to order it additionally? I don’t need 2nd headstrap, and one reserve cushion is enough for me too. And what for cloth strap? In case of torn?

I hope we can spend the 100$ on the wireless module. @deletedpimaxrep1 will this be possible?


Yes, the front controller covers the back controller and the headset covers the back controller from the other side. It really isn’t an issue that happens much at all and if it happens the most that it does is make you aim sway a bit.

I will probably get a third basestation. But it’s not like I absolutely have a need for it.


Maybe you can use the 100$ coupon in addition to the Backer Wireless 100$ Coupon, and get the Wireless Module for 200$ less.

There’s the Smell Module too, but I wouldn’t hold my breath for it.


You aren’t supposed to :stuck_out_tongue:

Why not?

20 char…

Only 2.0 base stations support more than 2 at once, if you have old vive base stations you’re out of luck; they don’t work with more than 2 at a time.

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