Your Pimax Client Feedback Matters

just got my Crystal yesterday and Installed Pimax Client 1.12.
Good improvment from PiTools ( I have 8K+ 8KX also ).
I would like to see the slider for the Custom Render Quality , to be more precise go 0.1 intead 0.25 .
So it’s easier to choose the best quality while getting 90fps in our favorite game.
ATM I keep it at 1 , and have to override the resolution in OpenXR Toolkit.


I second that please! And if possible display the expected resolution after scaling. Having to use OpenXR Toolkit for this is a little overkill. And I don’t want to add yet-another-option in PimaxXR because it may become confusing for users.


How about allowing resizing of the GUI and having things like Smart smoothing and Compulsive smoothing as toggle buttons on the main GUI. I mentioned above that hotkeys would be nice. People dont want to DIG for things they want to change quickly while playing a game. Smart smoothing and compulsive smoothing should be much more accessible.

I have been stuck with the same PiTool for probably over a year and today I updated to PimaxPlayV1.

After only one reboot of the 8KX, most of the settings were restored and can be used normally. No problems. Comfortable.

I never use the upscale mode, but when I tested it, I experienced a blackout of the right eye in MSFS. I have tried several items and the upscale mode is 99% suspect.

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