XYZ axis or rotation only?

Hi, I can not figure it out, the pimax only supports a circular view of the head, but can not navigate XYZ?
In warthunder and Elite Dangerous I can only turn my head, but I can not bring my head closer to the panel, instruments, sight.
it is somehow possible to set up?

You need “bodytracker”. Nolo is an example:, it has controllers and a front tracker (covers about 250 degrees). Works with pimax.

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To do that you’d need a ‘base station’, so that the headset could measure the distance to the basestation. Nolo indeed has such a basestation.

The HMD itself only processes ‘gyro data’, so the angles.

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You can implement for this you need psmove,
The FeePie Connector.
Setup video Head Tracking with Ping Pong Ball in PS Move Service - Setup Guide - YouTube
Gathered a test version of what was at hand with 1 camera:

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Yes, second CRedDo suggestion. Follow the youtube ping pong ball. That will work for rotational and position. If you want to go further look for Daley Tech videos about NOLO VR, and NOLO VR videos too.

The issue he asks is about head positional tracking, not controller tracking.

No, the psmove service will not work here.

Currently, I think only NoloVr works with positional tracking for the head, though beware. The only piplay version that works with nolo right now is flawed for numerous reasons. I just wish @PIMAX-Support would address them instead of letting the Pimax brand hurt itself .

@CryCoh are you saying that NOLO doesn’t provide rotational tracking, that it gets that from the headset? That would suck because Pimax drift is pretty bad lately and I was hoping for NOLO to cure it.

Pimax has multi axes accelerometers so surly it can sense forward and backward motion.
My expertise is in the design of inertial navigation system dating back to well before affordable GPS.

It is possible to produce a stable and accurate 3D sensing plateform from 3 accelerometers( XYZ) and a single rate gyroscope.
I know because I designed and produced such a system to map roads in Australia in real time back in the late 70’s. And it was done with an in house designed micro system based on the Motorola 6800 microprocessor 2K bytes of RAM and 8K bytes of EPROM.

So, I just don’t understand why with today’s fantastic technology we have such poor inertial sensing and processing happening.

It would be easy to measure the direction and magnitude of the gyro drift over time (from one correction input to the next) and from that create and refine a drift correction characteristic and apply it to correct for gyro drift.

Another method would be to learn the drift characteristics of all the sensors (in a calibration routine) and apply the corrections in real time.

What is the point of all the sensors in Pimax if all it seems to be able to do is measure (rather poorly) head rotation in the X plain and nothing else?

There are enough sensors in Pimax to be able measure motion in 3 dimensions in real time and thus allow movement in a 3D space without the need for special room sensors.

Enough waffling on from me.

Cheers, Luke

I cannot comment as to which device senses rotational tracking, as I am still waiting for delivery. Sorry.

I’m sure that it would use the gyroscope for rotational tracking.