Xbox controller problems

I have a couple problems I don’t seem to be having much luck resolving. Using a usb wired connected xbox one controller since I have no lighthouses and controllers. Been fighting with it since getting my hmd 4 days ago.
I just updated Pitool to 112 and I get the pop up welcome in steamvr home when I push the y button, but it says “select next with the trigger” to continue and nothing will seem to do that. Just can’t get “next” to happen. The y button will make that pop up go away.
From searching here, I have used the menu long press to get to steamvr home. From there I can navigate around my steam games and settings. When I go into the controller settings, it just freezes up. I have managed to get around this by unplugging my xbox controller and plugging it back in. The setting seem to be adjustable then. One question is, what should I have those settings looking like?
And lastly, Every time I try to play Subnautica, everything loads up fine but I can’t seem to get it to recognize my stick calibration properly. Once the game loads, it just spins. I can stop it by holding my stick one way, but let go and it just spins again. I have been through the controller calibration in steam vr several times with no change.

Any ideas on all this would be greatly appreciated. This whole controller stuff is all new to me since I grew up way before consoles. lol


Regarding Steam VR home I was never able to navigate it with my X box controller. So to start a VR game to play I just load the game from the Steam app. After the game has fully loaded I usually have to run the mouse pointer over the game screen on my monitor and left click to get the Xbox controller to initiate. Hope this helps


Forget Y it seems to be broken. Press & hold arrow left of Xbox button. From there you get a big tv like screen.


I guess I have been getting a little bit further than you Stix already. lol

And yep, that’s how I have been getting in further Helio. Glad to know it’s not just me on the Y button.

I also finally found an answer on the Subnautica spinning problem. Searched the net again and found a new thread where in the very last comment, someone happened to mention that they had disconnected their thrustmaster hotas and that had fixed it. Unplugged mine and the spinning stopped! Too easy once you do the right thing. :slight_smile:

Thank you for the help


Or make sure that all of the HOTAS axis are in their neutral / zeroed position so as not to be detected as a secondary input in game.


You are 100% correct! Thank you! I should have thought of that but it just never crossed my mind. I have to leave the left hotas pulled all the way back for starting Star Citizen since they have no api yet to detect initial positions. (according to the target script writer) Which meant it was always way off from neutral position when starting Subnautica.

Nice catch and thank you again. :slight_smile:


you’re quite welcome, glad I could help. We all learn from eachother and that’s always a good thing.

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This is my exact problem with steam VR home! They have zero control support for seated play, other than the Steam pop-up. The reason configuration freezes is likely that it’s waiting for you to point at something with your nonexistent Vive wands. I expect there will never be a fix, and it’s nigh impossible to do a good search for the issue because it takes a paragraph to describe.

Sorry I can’t help, but you’re not alone!

That is still good to hear, even if the problem remains. It means we aren’t doing anything wrong and I’m not going to spend any more time trying to resolve it. Plus any others seeing this thread may not waste their time either.

Glad you commented! :slight_smile:

Maybe this isn’t news but controller bindings can be edited or loaded from the workshop for each game.


It’s tedious and I haven’t been able to complete the tutorial in SteamVR Home but teleporting and turning worked.


This is only for SteamVR games that support the Xbox controller though right?


Unfortuntely I haven’t gotten this far yet, time to kick back and relax now. :smile:
The only other alternative I am aware of would be Driver4VR which offers various methods to emulate wands.

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I can’t help much, but since we have this thread I wonder if someone has inputs on another issue. I am using Xbox controller to enter Desktop and reset seated pos. When I press “select” button on Xbox one controller, it quickly moves focus to three round buttons below, and goes back. I have to press select many times and eventually, I can access Settings or Desktop.

Does anyone knows why is that? It’s almost like there’s some “turbo” on somewhere. Also, I wonder if it is possble to have keyboard shortcuts or something, to access settings, desktop etc? Thanks.


I didn’t actually ask about that problem in my opener Wolf, but almost did. I haven’t been able to get down to the "Settings and “Desktop” area at all. I have tried the select button but not repeatedly. I will try that tonight and also watch for a flash of a change as you are seeing to see if mine is duplicating yours.


One of the arrows by home button lets you tab from dashboard to Big TV window.

Right, but how to get down to the lower set of buttons on that Big TV window, where it says settings, desktop, and something else. (sorry, going by memory)


The one arrow will toggle between them after use either left stick or maybe the D pad. A to select & B for back.

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I’m having exactly the same issue. Only button mashing works, for the select button to stick on and focus.


Ok glad to learn I am not crazy. And! It has been like that for years already, Steam VR is amazing sometimes, not in a good way.

I will fire mine up haven’t had to button mash save in fighting games(& i can mash with exceptional repeatability lol)

I honestly don’t know why they have that Hit Y crap lol. Never could get it to do more than call up that tease of a menu.