So I was reading about how Brainwarp works and it seems like it would be feasible, but a side effect would be reduced screen brightness. Is this true? I know the Pimax 8k was already struggling with screen brightness at one point so it seems like it would be a big problem to solve.
I was under the impression it’s just offset frame refresh. Halfway through L refresh R starts and so on… or something like that? Not a shutter system like certain 3D TV’s Lon/Roff/Loff/Ron/Loff etc… So from that perspective, I can’t see how it would reduce brightness. Updates are continuous just a timing offset giving the impression of say 180 frame updates in a second split between Left and Right (or 160 if we end up with 80hz).
I’ve not looked into it much, just a quick impression of it since we’re all waiting on up-to-date info and if it even works!
Hmm, alright. If that’s that case then maybe we’ll hear some news about it soon.
But that would still be 25% less bright, no?
Brainwarp will not reduce brightness.
Because… it doesn’t exist.
Haven’t seen any news about it and questions about it dont get answered.
Original theory was both sides still update at 90hz(or 80/82/85??now), no pausing/shuttering etc… just not at exactly the same time. Halfway through L refresh, R starts, halfway though R refresh L starts… so nothing changes other than the total frame updates within a second are technically doubled.
There are a lot of theories as to how brainwarp works. Many rely on the image pimax posted on it not being accurate.
No. Both screens are fed 90 frames by the gpu for a total of 180 frames, just like the vive or rift. However instead of both left frame and right frame being generated at the same point of action in the game, they generate the left and then the right and display an alternate each eyes 90 frames one at a time at a rate of 180hz for how often a frame is displayed.
Huh? Isn’t that what I’ve said?
Is “Brain-warp” the name which going to make it to release?
Sounds somewhat nefarious or Orwellian, something that has a more positive connotation would be better.
Would you be refering to how much black screen
I would indeed uhuh jup
Hmm i have no idea my self if this is going to be an issue ,but hoping so or we may be left with ghosting or somthing , honestly not clear on there thinking