Would you sell or giveaway your old HMD now that you got your Pimax HMD?

8700k @ 5 GHz, 32 gb ram, 2080Ti

So pretty high end. And even then it took a lot of tweaking to get good performance. Good news is, that it gets slightly better with every Pitool, NVidia driver and DCS version. There are some significant VR optimizations planned for DCS that I hope will have a big impact.

That being said, performance is already pretty good.


With those specs i understand :joy:
for remainder 1600x @4g, 16gb ram, 1080ti
Time frames on cpu are on 25+ and gpu 18+ when online and its not good enough, with your cpu and gpu i could cut that in half and get good experience .
But spending 1000+ for a free game to run when other are running at 200 SS with no issue, no thanks i prefer to wait or i’ll end up single :joy:.
Thanks for answer

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Finally resolved Dirt Rally issue. Now it is just up to Touch level controllers that decides the fate of my Rift

It is the one game I just cannot figure out how to launch in VR for the Pimax, Had no issues with it either with my Rift or Vive. It is a Steam bought version of the game. Every time I start it is in theater mode or something and not VR like on my other headsets.

Follow this thread info and here is my solution in the end- should help