Wireless module + AMD = no go?

Has this been discussed here?

Just wondering if the Wireless module that Pimax are going to use, uses intel’s WiGig chip which is incompatible with AMD CPU’s for those wanting the Wireless option.



WiGig - PCI-e card can add to any comptuters, not only Intel CPU.

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oO ough my god =( it’s fail.

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HTC - “Our current data shows this is occurring with a subset of Ryzen-based PCs. Our investigation will take time as we are working with multiple component manufacturers to identify the root cause.”

It’s only a small group of Ryzen owners who are having issues. Other people with Ryzen PCs are able to use the wireless adapter just fine.

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Do you have some info to back that up? Would be good to see reports from both sides.

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“I am a Ryzen 1700 user with a GTX 1080 GPU and the wireless adapeter and games runs perfect for me…”
FatherGreatNGlorious - “What the hell? I have a Ryzen 1800X and mine works without a hitch.”
peteroh9 - “I have a Ryzen and I’ve never had any issues.”
lobe3663 - “Same”
TheStrangeKing - “Same, Ryzen chipset and no issues with Vive Wireless”


hmmm, that’s not very compelling, one guy says it works.

You said a small group but HTC said a subset of Ryzen-based PC’s" A subset could mean all 2700x owners for instance so best not to speculate or change what has been stated.

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Yes, you’re correct. I should have said “sub-set” as stated in the HTC blog. However, your title should be changed. They way you have it worded makes it sound as if the wireless module won’t work with any AMD motherboards, which is completely false.

“Wireless module + AMD = no go?”


I did not mention motherboards O.o

Anyway, seems like it is quite widespread from Ryzen to Threadripper but these are quite old posts now so looking for more recent reports.



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It sounds as if there’s some incompatibility between the motherboard PCI-E slot and the Intel WiGig wireless card included in the package. It’s HTC we’re talking about here. I’m not surprised.


I thought that based on the 2nd link i posted but the guy that says x1 PCIe made it work but later in the thread comes back and says he still crashes. Now he thinks it is a warming up issue.

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To be honest, I think Intel have bamboozled AMD as that would be typical based on their history. WiGig uses an Intel chip. And yes, then you have HTC on top of that which is just as bad.

I think backers here who are looking to get the wireless module with their credit should be aware of a possible incompatibility, this has been going on 2 months now and HTC have still not solved it.

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More recent

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Not sure but Vive recalled there wireless modul if I recall right.

Too bad my buddy is away in Europe on business. He’d likely have good info.

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Hi helio are you a baker or a pre-order? And did you have a return of your command have you take the 5k+? Ty and good day

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Backer & backed both headsets.