Will there be another meetup?

If there was another meet up, lets say its the UK, do you think Sweviver,Voodoo and Sebastian will be there :slight_smile:

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shipping by the end of september, and no announced meetup places, and last time they announced a meetup it was at least two weeks away. I’m skeptical, but there is always hope.


Honestly, I think I’d prefer they just focus on manufacturing and shipping at this point. It seems the weekend was a great success. I only wish the tester’s NDA wasn’t two weeks away!


However, on the side of “yes”, they did say “the next backer meetup location will be announced after the berlin meetup”, so we don’t know yet.


There may be further meetups, but only expect a tester to be there if it is in/near his hometown. And the coming two weeks they will be busy with their reviews anyhow.

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I would guess with headsets shipping at the end of the month. Probably just be doing more official vr events.

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I think the next time you see a Pimax HMD it is going to be when it arrives in the mail :slight_smile:


I will be sitting here crying as you lot have fun with your 5K+/8K
I will still be waiting as I am Backer 7090 :scream:


Ouch! (the tipical 20 characters).

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My 6150 pledge doesn’t seem as bad now lol


? the kickstarter page says there were 5,946 backers.

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The KS system probably doesn’t award numbers of withdrawn pledges but just continues with the numbering. Which is nothing but fair because otherwise you might have pledged later but end up with a lower number and are served first, that would be quite random.
I just feel a bit for those who sold their pledges just recently due to the massive criticism we could read here - they now have to wait for retail release and likely pay a higher price.


Yes thanks for that :laughing:


Cool , but knowing My luck I am 5,946 :smiley:

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IMO, we know everything we need to know. 5k+ and 8k HMDs are winners. The software needs more tweaking but the hardware is solid. The optics are about as good as they’re going to get with regards to FOV trade-offs and being consumer level grade.

As much as I’d like to get my head into one, my opinion is that any further meetups would be redundant.

Lastly, while I’m reluctant to imply that the Pimax team members are incapable of multi-tasking, my sense is that Pimax is a small, focused group already stretched very thin and their precious time would be better utilized by putting their full attention on production & shipping.

I want to see Pimax crank production into full gear, fulfill all backer promises, and get the head sets onto the general public’s heads for the coming holidays, to give all the other VR manufacturer’s a run for their money. I want the 5k+ and 8k to blow the industry wide open.

Let’s get this party started!


You’ll get yours before me then , I cancelled my pledge early on but changed my mind at the very last minute so will be one of the very last 712*


on one hand there is not much to gain for pimax with another backer meetup, they got there confirmation and very positive feedback from backers, lots of people tested different games and there will we thoroughly tests (lens shots!!!?) from the (atm) nda’ed testers after mid of september, so backers have a base to decide on 8k or 5k+ also with the RTX’s from 20th of september there might even be feedback about how the 8k does with the latest hardware

on the other hand they need to spread word to find people to pre-order so i’d expect events with a more fixed setting (only a few easy WOW! games) for non backers starting in october in the us and europe (at least that seems logical to me - not shure if japan is a thing for pimax, japan seems to be a psvr domain, maybe more a market to sell to vr arcades?)

btw. if you look a little bit below the backer number (confirmation mail) there should be a smaller and lower number of backers that had pledged like x days left for goal, backers xxxx, that lower number would be a better indicator about your place in line

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I’d love one in the UK and I’m devastated I didn’t make the Berlin one.

But then again I think I’ve seen and heard everything I needed to with the Berlin meetup thanks to the testers. All I’m looking for is extra FOV as I’m already happy with everything else my Vive does. Less SDE/less weight/higher resolution are all happy bonuses for me and it sounds like I’m getting them all!

So now I’m looking forward to (hopefully) getting my headset in October which feels so amazingly close considering I actually believed they were going to make the January deadline :joy: