Watching this video at 23:24 I hear them say that unless the game developer does some special wide FOV rendering that the 8k will simply take some smaller FOV width and stretch-out the outer portions of this to fill 200 deg, with whatever distortion this causes. So there’s no real scene data beyond what is currently seen in say a Vive. Huh? Really? Do I have that right? If so that’s really going to suck! Call me naïve, but if that’s the case I just lost all my enthusiasm for this HMD. With 6000 owners worldwide and maybe 10(?) of these playing my favorite game I’m betting I won’t live to see full implementation of true 200 deg FOV.
Face-palm. Wow, I should have done more studying. Honestly, the technical magic between the VR hardware, SteamVR, and whatever game is running via SteamVR is a black box to me. I just figured that since Pimax works via SteamVR, and my game works through SteamVR, that I was going to be in true 200deg VR heaven.