Will the 8K be shown at Gamescom?

Hey guys,

So recently I’ve been considering heading out to Gamescom. It’s been a few years since I last went. However, there are not a whole lot of things that I really want to go and see. However, if Pimax would be attending to show off the 8K, that would seriously imapact my decision!

So, how about it :slight_smile: ? Do my fellow forum scrollers think there’s any chance? Of course an official answer would be preferred eh :smiley:



Maybe have to wait a few days only: https://hapskorea.com/event/busan-vr-festival-2018-kvrf-in-busan/
They might be showing something at Busan VR festival this week. Also might not because of M1 or M1+ unit is in betatest.

Schade :slight_smile: sonst würde ich auch mal vorbeikommen

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Well, I’m not going to head to South Korea for it :stuck_out_tongue: I’m from Belgium, so Cologne is only a few hours drive. South Korea… a bit more :smiley:

Still, yeah, would be great to see some open testing at that event. Though, I expect it to be much more like the last time where it was behind closed doors with NDA.

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On the first day of Busan, it looks like Pimax is not present with a show. Maybe offsite.
Still keeping an eye open.

Habe die Gamescom die letzten 3 Jahre besucht, dort seinerzeit auch die Vive zum ersten mal aufgehabt, und die Touch ausprobiert. Dieses Jahr habe ich kein Ticket gekauft, weil es nichts Interessantes im Bereich VR zu geben scheint und es ansonsten eh viel zu voll ist, bei jedem bekannteren Titel müßte man 2-3 h anstehen, das gebe ich mir nicht mehr, aus dem Alter bin ich raus… :laughing:

[Off-language off]


Thanks Robert! Keep us posted :slight_smile:

I will, Jared. Thanks :wink:

Eh? That’s not remotely my name :smiley:

Mine is not Robert either… :slight_smile:


Damn! I could’ve sworn I read somewhere that your name for sure wasn’t George but Robert… lol sorry :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s mine…but I never use it. Always Rob.

No worries. I had a chuckle anyway. My forumname is George. My real name is Michael. Just click on the eye. :slight_smile:

Okee Michael, zolang we kunnen lachen is alles in orde he :slight_smile:


Bu san? “Not three”? Is this like the anti-E3? (Far-fetched humor R us.)

Given Pimax have gone into secrecy mode and won’t tell backers about what fixes have been successfully implemented and what they’re still working to fix, I’m not sure turning up in public to show off the current state of the hmd is a wise move.

If it’s time to do more public demo’s then it’s time to tell the backers what’s going on.


Exactly my thinking :smiley: !

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