Will SLI be an option for 8k?

I have 2pcs that both have Aurous GTX 1080ti’s with 5 HDMIs and 3 DP’S each. Has the 8k moved far enough ahead that I can SLI these cards for the 8k x? Or is this still not possible yet?


Great question! On game side Unreal 4 & Unity 5.4+ game engines have built in cf & sli support. I had posted a link in the forums for the article.

Truth it wouldn’t surprise if Nvidia will release Volta either b4 8k-X release or at least in time for summer /fall. (but just speculstion on my part).

But i can see that the headset should still be able to use support for its part of rendering.

if i could get it working, i would have superb visuals with 2 of those cards SLI’d on an 8k X model.

I was going to do a in the lens view of ED on the 4k on VR Ultra settings and post it up on my youtube channel. I just dont have a camera that can record 4k cleanly that can fit in the HMD at the moment.

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I hear you. A styro foam manikin head with 1 eye removed to place camera in might be a solution. Add a trypod mount & you can do head tracking simulations.

If just using 1 eye just need a good cam @ even qhd should show how nice.