Will Pimax 8KX be able to hit 80hz in native mode?

This was a feature that was mentioned a little while ago, said to be a goal for the team. If this is something that you are able to answer, @PimaxUSA, has any progress been made on this or was it determined to be not feasible?


+1 bump upā€¦

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Most likely, we wonā€™t hear anything about this until the Pimax Now event, which is hopefully going to be soon (no firm date yet).


My thoughts exactly, and hoping, hoping, that they will have a pleasant surprise for usā€¦


Yes I hope they got some good information - now has been a long time already :wink:.


They could probably do native mode normal FOV at a higher refresh rateā€¦Iā€™d accept that as a compromise, say normal mode at 90hz and small at 110?


Iā€™m hoping for at least 5KXR refresh rates at the full FOV. That HMD can hit roughly 82Hz. 80hz minimum would be fantastic.


Iā€˜d love if the 8kx manages to hit higher refreshrates without using the upscaler.
Other compromises would be ok, for example Mode for small FOV or even turning res down a bit. I mean as additional modes, that would be awesome

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Well if performance is too hard to hit that target on large and distortion is once again not very good on large fov mode, then most of us will end up using normal fov mode the majority of the time like we all used to on the 5k+ and 8k original, which means I hope that yes they can push 80hz on large, but be even happier if they ALSO put time in making a mode for 90hz in normal and 110hz in small.


Why do you need 80hz and higher? I am going to buy 3080Ti and I will be happy if my computer will make 60hz. 8KX provides the best picture quality, so I am not going to reduce any setting in a game. But if PP is on in Large FOV then the render resolution is abnormally huge, there is no a computer which can handle 80hz and up in this case.


Also 8kx wonā€™t require a lot of supersampling in steamVR so you can get high fps and high graphic settings.


Iā€™m not sure itā€™s a matter of ā€œneedā€, but of ā€œwantā€.

60 Hz is fine for some use cases, but for fast action games (like VR table tennis or FPSes) a faster rate is noticeable and prefered. Even for seated games like Elite D, I can tell the difference between 72 Hz and 80 Hz on my 8K. The game is still playable at 72, but feels more real and immersive at 80 Hz. Higher refresh rates only improve the solidity of the VR world further.


Theres also the matter of reprojection to consider: the lower the refresh rate, the lower your reprojection framerate will be. So if youā€™re at 72hz native, youā€™ll be looking at 36 FPS. The game that I play typically needs reprojection (regardless of oneā€™s hardware, even a 2080Ti), so this is fairly important to me.


Ah, I donā€™t like the artifacts which reprojection and/or FFR introduce, so I donā€™t use those features. Instead, I reduce my super-sampling and/or graphics quality settings until I get a good framerate with reasonably good-looking graphics. For example, I usually set shadows on High, instead of Ultra.


It is not possible for me sadly, as the game in question is VRChat. No matter what the settings or the hardware, it constantly runs the risk of hitting high frametimes/low FPS due to the nature of itā€™s poorly optimized user created content.


Is 5fps more really going to make a huge difference in sim racing?


I doubt that 5 FPS would actually be noticable. Still (in general), higher framerates are better (smoother and less choppy).


Not only 80 hz but 90 , 120 hz. Only with high refresh rates
smartsmoothing make sense in my eyes for all resource hungry simulatorsā€¦
Currenty I am addicted to 144 hz with SM on at cost of limited FOV.


For some applications, esp. fast moving/reflex high Hz is important. E.g. Eleven table tennis even 90 Hz I donā€™t consider enough, 75 Hz would be totally unplayable.

Also not everything requires such huge GPU requirements. When things are moving fast you donā€™t need super-detailed graphics as you would not perceive it anyway. So even current GPUā€™s can drive the high refresh rates there. Like Redout when I seen static images I was concerned about looks but when you drive 800 km/h it does not really matter.


Sorry, I wasnā€™t clear enough. I do understand 120Hz looks much better then 60Hz in any game.
My point is our computers cannot give us full 4K resolution + geometry compensation + extra resolution when PP is on.
Could somebody, please, provide the render resolution for 8K+ in SteamVR for SS100%, Large FOV, PP on?
To get the resolution for 8KX we will need to multiply it 1.5x1.5.

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