Will I have to upgrade my 980ti amp extreme for the 8k?

The 980ti amp Exterme is alot more powerful than the reference card. I think it is fast enough. But it has only a 1.2 DP (3 of them actually). Is the 1.4 DP REQUIRED?

On Kickstarter someone asked a similar question here is Pimax’s response…

Q: if you connect it to a Displayport 1.2 connection, what happens?
Does the frame rate lock to a lower value, does the resolution compensate, combination of the two? If so what specific draw backs are there for using Display port 1.2

A: DP1.4 can be compatible with DP1.2, and they can also work well with DP1.2.

Thank you. It didn’t occur to me to look there. Maybe I should reread that…

1.2 has enough bandwidth though probably @75hz according to DP wiki. For 5k/8k

I’m trying to get a more concrete answer on this instead of the beating around the bush that I’ve seen so far from the Kickstarter comment section, I’ve gone through every comment and never once have they gone into specifications of the limitations that DP 1.2 will impose.

So far Pimax hasn’t said once that DP 1.2 will give full frame rate or resolution, or even what it can do.

So I’m hoping to see some transparency about this since they explicitly talk about the GTX 980 being recommended hardware, but conversely only uses DP 1.2


To sum it into a simple question as possible.

If I have a GTX 980ti, What would the performance limitations of the Display Port 1.2 standard be on the 8k and or 8k X headset. Would the Frame-rate be limited, if so how much? If not, would anything else be limited, if so by how much?

Okay will use the search function to find my post on dp 1.2 specs (dp wiki)

The dualb1440p input roughly adds to 4k. Dp 1.2 can do 4k @ 75hz.

Link for your reading pleasure.

Below are highlights to save time.

There you go bandwidth & what bandwidth needed for resolution.

Thanks, at a glance yes looks like DP 1.2 should support both the 8k and 8k X with the required resolution/frame-rate

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Pimax8k’s built-in bridge chip (ANX7530), the input requirement is DP1.4. So it’s completely compatible with DP1.2 and not limited to bandwidth.


Sorry but I don’t know how DP works, can you send an “unlimited” amount of data regardless of DP version and only the receiver has the limitation?

Matthew is saying the DP 1.4 cable is backwards compatible with a DP 1.2 port.
You will only achieve what a DP 1.2 cable is capable of though, because the port on your video card is DP 1.2.

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Alright, so the question is:

Regardless of GPU performance, is it possible to run a Pimax 5K/8K via a DP1.2 port on the GPU side? If so, are there any disadvantages to running it via a DP1.4 port?


So… if I am reading everything correctly, it would just mean that the refresh rate would be 75hz with a DP1.2 port.
It should be a refresh rate of 90hz for a DP1.4 port.

Provided I understand everything correctly, am I right @Heliosurge?

From what i read of dp 1.2 yes its probably going to run at 75hz. Which being the minimum recommended spec gpu makes sense.

But surely running at 90hz will provide for a better experience?

Well to get 90hz you have to have a better video card. A 980ti amp extreme falls under the minimum recommended spec, it can’t do the 90hz at 4k. It should be able to do the 75hz though.

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Sounds like I need to upgrade my gpu, I was hoping to wait for the Volta. 75 fps won’t be too good

I would reccommend waiting til after you have the headset & test with your current gpu.

While 90 has been projected as min. I can tell you I have no vr sickness in the 4k model at 60hz.

Benefits of waiting?
-more time to save.
-the closer to volta’s release often gpu prices lower (new & used)
-You might find current gpu performs well enough to wait on volta. (especially if brainwarp works well)

Good advice. Thanks!

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No it does not fall under the recommended specs, a 980ti is even a better card than a 1070, all I want to know if I need to update my 980ti to get 90fps like @Matthew.Xu said. I want to know if the card can output 90 fps I agree that reading the specs it doesn’t seem like it, but I also don’t know anything about how DP works.