Why Lolof1 cancelled his 8KX order and went for the G2

Hello !

French backer of pimax products from the start!
I have my 5k + which takes dust for a very long time!
I ordered my 8kx upgrade on October 31, 2019!
VR headset sold in 90hz in 4k per eye!
I ordered the 8kx with the @Dmas in @Upgrade!
At the end of November we see an announcement from Pimax:
Delivery from December 18th to the 8kx backer and from February the upgrades and pre-orders would start to be delivered!

Then in January in Lasvegas we learn from Sweviver and Pimax:
-The 8kx will no longer be in 90hz but in 75hz ???
Me who is a team on @Iracing (IR / 2475) / 8 pilot in my team I am disappointed at the time of this announcement of the 75hz even very disappointed because in automobile simulation the frequency at least at 90hz is essential to manage 20 / 30 cars in a vr headset!

Time passes nobody is actually delivering, hopes of having it in April 2020 are dwindling!
January, February, March, we learn that the displayport cable is wrong and that pimax will review its design with a new subcontractor!
April 2020 no delivery ??

Avril pimax finally announces deliveries finally for June for the backers promised to swear to spit !!!
Then May, June!
Pimax does not reveal any video since January of 8kx ???
No test by sweviver ??
The silence!
Yet this forum should be the ideal medium to reassure us for purchases over 1000 dollars anyway!
I am not a complainer but at this time it starts to seriously annoy me!
Then June arrives, pimax does not send us any delivery email?
We learn that very few backers in fact received an 8kx!
Pimax announces that at the beginning of July a new ā€œVR Experienceā€ software is coming !!!
SUPER to make us wait ??
Then that all the backers will be delivered before July 15th, then at the end of July, then at the beginning of August, then mid August!

In mid July I am going on vacation in the south of France despite the covid19 but I canā€™t wait any longer, still no test of the 8kx rendering by pimax and sweviver ???
And on JULY 11, 2020 HP announces:
The HP Reverb G2 with the manufacturer @Valve as a partner and mircosoft:
The title of the HP ad:

This helmet will be revolutionary !!
Delivery in autumn 2020!

When I see the screens and videos of games on the G2, these images put us on the a s s !!
Seb from Mrtv says:

ā€œThe G2 gives the best image I have ever seen, we are in the game with the G2, even if I lose in fov compared to my 8kx prototype that pimax sent me in January 2020, the G2 is AMAZINGā€

I immediately thought of a commercial counterattack from pimax, sending 8kx to finalize to youtubers like @Tyriel Wood or Sebastian from @Mrtv to counter their prelizr test of G2 but NIET, and NIET!

On August 4th I ordered a revolutionary HP G2 90hz panel and on August 14th I canceled my order for my 8kx 75hz / 4k by eye never received !!!

I, who had never received an email since October 31, 2019 from pimax, received one immediately:

-Mr Lolof1 you a pimax customer it is not possible to cancel your order after such a long wait, on August 26 your 8kx will be delivered to you !!

But nothing can be trusted there has been there since last April!
When we promise a date when we sell a Highech product for 1500 ā‚¬ we have to keep the delivery dates!

So I confirm my cancellation and Ms. Emily Wang from the sales department, she refunded my money 3/4 days later!
I have friends in France who have ordered their 8kx on October 30/31, 2019 like me and they still have not received an email and delivery of their 8kx !!! !

I do not regret my cancellation, in October 2019 the 8kx was at the top in Vr / 90hz / 4k by eye / Fov at 130/150/170!

But time has passed, it has turned into:

8kx = 4k per eye in 75hz ???

Then in data processing after 6 months a data processing equipment is already exceeded!
It is August 31, 2020 and still no delivery for my friends who are very very disappointed!

The Hp Reverb G2 is proof that we can wait 1 year for a Vr High-tech headset, technology is evolving so quickly!
In 10/12 months there may already be a Valve Index 2 ???

For me, pimax will remain a small brand of experimental VR headsets, a small company which is determined to make too many choices in the helmetbet in the end, not to finalize these VR headsets on time!
Very big commercial lesson to remember, already at the Vr saline in January in Lasvegas, Seb de Mrtv on video told the boss of Pimax!!!

And the boss of pimax did not even answer, just a no from the head !!!

His stubbornness ultimately made me cancel my order for my 8kx, no email explaining the delay of October 31, 2019, the day of my order in @ Upgrade, no email in April 2020 of no delivery ??
If Iā€™m not a geek who reads the pages of the pimax forum every day, if I hadnā€™t followed Seb / Mrtv + Tyriel Woodā€™s videos, I would never have known why my Pimax 8Kx is never arrived in FRANCE !!


Lolof1 ,ultrageek since 1977 / Born in 1966!

in the end I lost 175 ā‚¬ for this cancellation:
$ 41.30 fee for pimax, $ 40 bank fee when I buy it abroad + the rest due to the exchange rate = 175 ā‚¬ = $ 180 for a helmet that I have never received, seen, touched , try in TIME AND IN TIME! 180 $ lost !!!


in the end I lost 175 ā‚¬ for this cancellation:
$ 41.30 fee for pimax, $ 40 bank fee when I buy it abroad + the rest due to the exchange rate = 175 ā‚¬ = $ 180 for a helmet that I have never received, seen, touched , try because never received in TIME AND IN TIME! 180 $ lost !!!

Aplushhhss /Lolof1

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Split topic?

Also, FWIW, all small companies pushing tech have similar growing pains.


And it is the customers who pay the brunt as we say in France !!
In addition a very stubborn growth by Pimax:
I, who am a former salesperson, to offer so many VR headphones is absurd!
We must start with small production series of 1/2/3 maximum product, make pre-orders, request a deposit, limit production to a number that we can manufacture (1000 8kx no more), then deliver them right in time !

And if we have achieved this goal we start another production series!

The pimax has taken so many orders on a product in addition to not even finalize in development which is ultimately only delivered in droplets!

Aplushhhssss :innocent:


Back in september 2019 the official Pimax Day 1 announcement (and reiterated in Pimax Day 2) of the 8kx always stated 75hz with 90hz in upscaler mode. Since then they reached higher than 90hz in upscaler mode and there is time yet for what they may be able to achieve in native mode.

So there was no sudden change in status on that.

For the delays, yes plenty have varying levels of annoyance on that, and yes they should have started shipping in December not 6 months later when originally promised but they have kept people in the loop on this at least and obviously the global pandemic has added a few weeks and months to this, so Iā€™d consider the pimax part of the delay of 2-3 months not quite as bad.

It has been very clear for all this time that backers are due the HMDā€™s first and upgrades or preorders will ship once those are complete and pimax have been keeping information flowing on keeping expectations roughly in check. IMO they could do a better job of that and give proper numbers just as other kickstarter projects have done I know, but overall your expectations on this part are wrong.

I do disagree with pimax keeping feeā€™s for refunds, thatā€™s outrageous when a refund is happening because a) a delay on pimax part and b) because they charged up front before delivery. An appalling practice that pimax needs to stop if they wanā€™t any form of future trust from people.

Overall however I feel the problem here is your lack of research before you spent a considerable amount of money and much of the blame on what you wrote is on you also, especially with half of your rant being about something you got wrong.


@SweViver confirmed they have started shipping preorders. at the same time as backer upgraders which was not cool here

it also seems they are shipping in random order.


As a preorder (not a backer) I can not disagree with you. You are comimg from the perspective of a normal consumer with expectations.

You are correct in that you shouldnā€™t have to monitor forums and third party youtube channels to know what is going on, like us backers have.

It seems that normal purchasers are being treated like kickstarter backers and unlike us, youndont have to take it because , we backers weā€™re told that

ā€œkickstarter is risky, and that we CHOSE to accept the risk, and that weā€™re lucky to get a product at allā€

I understand your decision. I hope the G2 is awesome come back and tell us what itā€™s like.


I have the 8KX and the G2 on pre-order. But since Iā€™m longing for wider FOV, Iā€™ll likely favor the 8KX over the G2.


This has been discussed before. Pre-order is not the same as a ā€˜normalā€™ purchase. Much lower risk perhaps, but delays can still happen.


True, just because I pre-order a PS5 doesnt mean ill get it this year.

But im also sure sony isnt still actively developing it whilst taking pre-orders

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Hello :innocent:

I loved Pimax since 2017 itā€™s Not the problem :innocent:

thank you to those who understand my choice to cancel my 8kx for HP G2!
In auto simulation on Iracing, which I practice every day, the screen and lenses need sharpness!
Like also when I fly on @Dcs World!
I no longer think that with 8kx this will be the case at all!
I lose in Fov thatā€™s for sure but I gain in clarity and as the pre test said on the @RoadtoVr site:
I like my Index or any other VR headset but when I see in my G2, I see for the 1st time in VR with new eyes!
In France some site, unfortunately not many have been able to test the 2 helmets and mass is said!
This Hp Reverb G2 despite its fov at 110 at a frequency of 90hz, a very good definition but above all makes us move thanks to its panel to a visual rendering like a 1080p / Full HD screen FINALLY !!!

And The backer program itā€™s write:
4k and 90hz Not 75hz !


Ps: Iā€™m a backer or 5k+ ,for my 8kx I bought a @Upgrade 5k+ to 8KX !

But look at that photo, it says 75hz and if you are pre-ordering 8kx not original 8kx backer you definitely have seen that photo and know its 75hz native, this part I think honestly you canā€™t fault pimax on.


I would have agreed in 2017


This was also the case with the backer shipments last year, it was and probably is still based on geographical location. Like for example the very first backers to get their headsets were in Western Europe, mostly UK, Netherlands, Germany. Sending batches of products is different than sending individual orders as they come. They donā€™t have local warehouses where they can store the headsets shipped to different region so they are optimizing the delivery.
Iā€™m not willing to hold this against them, because at least they do sell worldwide. While other companies limit the geographical availability of their products in order to optimize the shipping, leaving groups of people unable to order at all.

yeah except according to the list, 3 people who have gotten tracking numbers who ordered after me
one is in germany, france and one is in USA


If you had chance to try HP Reverb, I guess the clarity should be more or less similar, just no mura, better colours & lenses.

Many people on this forum who tried X states clarity is awesome, it has problems with optic the same as 5k+, so it isnā€™t ok for all users, also has slight mura & sweetspot is a bit smaller, but sharpness & clarity of the pannels seems get really positive feedback. Colours & contrast seems a bit better than on 5k+ by not too much, blacks on similar level, I didnā€™t try it myself (I have only 5k+ & XR) but just trying to summarize what Ive read here & on reddit.
Also TTL video speaks for itself:

I anticipate G2 & 8kX will have similar clarity & SDE, maybe X will have it a bit better coz on TTL video areas between pixels seems diffuse light & not look black.

But in G2 the overall picture but FOV will be great, colours / contrast ok for LCD + good sweetspot & very nice comfort


salat lolo

je suis dans la memes situation que toi
et cā€™est tres fatiguant tout ca !!!

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Canā€™t do anything about money exchange rates. But it seems like maybe pimax is realizing that the Pay platform fees for a refund outside the 180 days is not a good thing. The fee is not from pimax but the pay platform (cc/paypal etc. )

Some have already had this fixed up by contacting the platform about undelivered goods.

As others have said it has always been stated as 75hz. As a backer you should have known this from pimax days and ks updates. Upscaled at 90hz not native.


Then pimax needs to stop promising things they have no intention of following.


@lolof1 Iā€™m French and I still havenā€™t received my delivery number, I pre-ordered on October 31, 2019.
I really donā€™t understand whatā€™s going on.
My level of patience has gone up +100 ^^".