Why is the VR 'Media' Blackballing Pimax?

Pimax need to do a rebranding with the consumer release of the 8KX + and all the accessories in order to get hype generated and more acknowledgement imo.

They also need to address and improve quality issues (housing, screen issues, cable issues, audio port issues, pitool not responding or tracking), RMA request turnaround times and customer service engagement turnaround times before people will look at their products as quality without a sceptical eye.

A saved settings profile for each game would make pitool way more consumer friendly and may change the perception of pimax from being an enthusiast product which requires a lot of tweaking, to one which is easy to use

@anon74848233 @PimaxUSA @mozi @Sean.Huang


But in the wiki not really as it says here

It is 8k Resolution ā€œAny screen or display with around 8000 pixel widthā€

Nowhere has pimax stated 8k UHD, Full UHD or FUHD.

So by the wiki it is indeed 8k. Amazing though they added Rounding to legitimize short changing resolutiom values.

Next weā€™ll have employers be allowed to say ā€œWeā€™ll pay you around $10/hr.ā€ Meaning anything >=$6 is okay. :beers::joy::+1::sparkles:

8k Resolution Wiki


It was said to be slang for manure (List was originally out in early 90s)

yo sjef are you gonna buy the reverb? i wanna know your review on it since youā€™ve had the 5k+ and the odyssy plus


Oh man you double timed this post 10 steps ahead of me lol. Last week I was wondering wth why does it seem like a hype behind new Oculus HMDs etcā€¦ meanwhile silence on Pimax while Pimax HMDs still trumps those specs


Ben from Road To VR is doing a live AMA: https://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/blfbpl/hi_again_roculus_ive_now_reviewed_or_previewed/

Weā€™ll see if he ignores the Pimax questions again.

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Whaaaat? For real? They sent a non functional unit to a test\reviewer website? Omg what did I get myself into) IĀ“ve spent 1k on the headset base stations and controllers, that I donĀ“t know when I will get but according to what IĀ“ve been reading here there is a high chance I will have issues with headset or cable or power supply or cracks etc etc sooner or later. This grinds my gears.

Clairol ā€œMist Stickā€ in Germany ā€œManure Stickā€

Nowadays hardly anybody would bat an eye but itā€™s funny.

Clairol ā€œMist Stueckā€, that would get attention.

He didnā€™t ignore your question on the last link you posted.

Ah now i get it :smiley: :smiley:

I wouldnā€™t recommend pimax to friends and family. So Iā€™m missing why a youtuber would recommend it to their audience.

The big killer is there is no immersion for me. I can get totally immersed in a rift with far less specs but nothing in pimax. Thereā€™s always too many unnatural distracting things and it never looks just right. It hurts the eyes and brain too.

Then hmds that self disintegrate over weeks, no left audio, faulty cable, in stock units take months to arrive, rma is quite likely and you wait again, the replacement is no less likely to need rma, if you request refund you wait even longer, no 6dof, no controllers, no real headmountā€¦and pimax will lie to your face over and over again.

Why would a youtuber recommend or even compare pimax to well polished full packages that work, are available and supported?


the word ā€œMistā€ is the German word for the English word manure, mist was meant to be like fog but its exactly written and homophone to the German ā€œMistā€, not good to use that, to much negative and unpleasant sub context even if you understand it the right way from the context of the product


Right on cue this article has popped up


This is the interesting issue. As we do know there is a variety of factors with immersion & unfortunately including improper assembly as one userā€™s replacement fixed issues they were having with what sounds to be ipd &/screen alignment?

As for the youtuber? Itā€™s no different than any of us. If your experience was opposite to what youā€™ve had. You would likely reccommend to friends & Fam.

Myself? I have had very good experiences overal but wouldnā€™t atm reccommend it to Fam & Friends. Due to what I have observed (and donā€™t want to be either their Tech guide &/or listen to them b*tch at me for saying buy it.)

Now I do have 2 cousins Iā€™d consider as they are SysAdmins & very knowledgable with troubleshooting. But thatā€™s an exception.

Now I have been to a few demonstrations with a wide number of random ppl without seeing folks have bad experiences. So itā€™s definitely a conundrum(sp?)


Cool it was a very old list of Advertising blunders. So may have had a couple inaccuracies. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:

A good product of note in North Americs would be Puffs Kleenex. Here innoffensive but in the UK deregatory for Gay Man. Fag which is a cigarette in the UK has the same unkind meaning here as Puff.

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I could be wrong. But wasnā€™t it said Sword had the battery swap? Not the sense?

Either way could be interesting doesnā€™t the Vive wands only have 900mah battery? If so will need to buy extra batteries. 900mah battery is low on capacity for long play use.

Yes I suspect individual differences in assembly of hmd are playing a significant factor in some getting great experiences in it and others not.
If I found someone particularly after wide fov I would probably recommend trying to find somewhere that will let them demo a unit and if itā€™s good buy THAT unit, not another from the storeroom.

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When did Xunshu leave Pimax, and why? Anyone knowl?

Xunshu left pimax? Whereā€™d you hear do yoy have a link?

Kevin said so here.

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