Why doesn't Pimax have their own YouTube channel?

They could post info about their HMDs. High quality threw the lens videos. Setup and configuration. Ways to get optimal frame rates using their HMD’s (Maybe with that Mat guy). Official interviews with Pimax reps etc.

Would go a long way of clearing up confusion that we are currently seeing with unofficial, affiliated but not affiliated, official/unofficial Pimax statement videos.

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Pimax has a YouTube channel. The problem is there is not enough resources/manpower to keep it updated. I could do that partially, if or when that becomes one of my tasks.
Short videos, instructions, get started/tutorials, news and livestreams etc. This would be great, and I will discuss this once the team is back from the holidays. I will need help though, especially when it comes to graphics and such.


if there is any help needed, I am positive there are many members here (including myself) willing to contribute an help you and Pimax!


Awesome, thanks :slight_smile: Aside from that, I know your level of skills so Im seriously considering to hire you for a complete make-over of my logo, intro, banner etc. If you are interested, lets talk about it later this week!


you can PM me any time :blush:


They do heres a link


Thats a link to Swevivers channel.
This is Pimax official though.


You think I made a mistake?


Wasn’t sure :wink:

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Swevivers channel has more Pimax content than Pimax own channel, and he works for them now so…its basically a Pimax channel.

Scroll through his video history and find the last video he did about a non-pimax headset.


This was even before Pimax hired him, because it becomes difficult for a technology enthusiast to test something that is not Pimax once he has tried it. On the other hand if you want to become a professional youtuber, or your passion is more focused on the artistic and entertaining side of VR, then there are more interesting headsets than Pimax


They do, is called Sweviver

Thank you for understanding.

I gave up on trying to be a professional youtuber even before Pimax m1 beta phase, after almost 2 years of grinding for no reason. When Pimax 8K and 5K+ was born, my enthusiasm finally was waken up again. Until this day I haven’t seen any other VR headset more exciting, except for Oculus Quest which is an impressive unit, and even if its entry level, its mindblowing what we can do on a stand alone device today. When it comes to PCVR, there’s nothing that excites me as much as the 8KX and therefore there is no point for me fighting my own excitement by using less attractive headset. Less attractive to me at least. Therefore I do one or a few Pimax videos when I feel for it, and have time. If my audience likes my content or not, is totally up to them. If they do, I can share the passion. If they dont, there are for sure many other channels they can watch instead. Im not competing with anyone. I do it my own way and I only do what I enjoy the most. Everything else is left behind.

And especially while nobody else seems to be enthusiastic enough to follow the Pimax innovation on YouTube, Im happy to be able to share some of it.

I fullly aware it wont let me grow on YouTube and I wont get paid. But at least im having fun. Having fun. Something that is very important and easily forgotten once you become a so called “Youtuber” and start to count your subscribers. Ive done it before. Never again :slight_smile:


well told! :clap: 2020202020

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This is exactly what I was suggesting to back then when u were asking about what topics you should cover. Have freaking fun with whatever you wanna do, if it’s hobby stuff like youtube and/or work. As long u get ur bills paid u’ll be the luckiest man ever.
I really like your videos, no matter bout what simply because you are a very sympathetic guy, most of the time, and I like tech.
I’d just wish that you’ll manage to deal with your anger-issues a bit better since you tend to arouse quickly and fuel fires that could have been distinguished easily. It may be tempting fun to stir the heat though, but it’s a downer eventually.

I always liked to see U and Seb together in videos, both (in a good way) unique freaking kids that love to play their toys, just like we all were kids, beautiful.


It is what it is, and I dont regret my choices regarding the channel. I tried too hard in the past. Burned out myself several times. It’s just not worth it. And I can’t see myself daily grinding videos about things that doesn’t interest me, just to pay the bills. Not even a million dollar would be worth that. Believe it or not, I dont like so called “youtube fame” and I dont like to see or hear myself on camera. But while doing things that actually excites me, i tend to forget that im actually doing it in public, for people to judge.

What I do kinda regret is to always take things personally. Always been like that. But Im slowly learning. I have recently learned that whatever you do, you will always be hated by a certain amount of people. And there is no way you can change that, and no way to change their minds. And the second fact is that whatever good is happening around you, there’s always someone else that will do anything to try to take it away from you.

I play with my toys because I enjoy it. But I only speak for myself.


Well there’s plenty of us who appreciate everything you do. Your videos, roadshows, promos, photos, you name it. We know it’s hard work, and you have been beneficial to the VR community in sharing all the details of VR devices so we can all make appropriate decisions on our purchases. I wouldn’t have heard of or even own a Pimax if it wasn’t for you.


Don’t worry m8… You’re not alone… :smiley: I’m also working on it along with the temper (almost 39)… :wink:

We are who we are, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive to become better versions of ourselves and if we can be better at not caring about what others think, we are winners… :slight_smile:


You can’t please everyone, people are different (which is good thing).
If someone disagrees or makes bad review it does not necessarily means hate though.


MRTV seems to be doing pretty good at having videos of different VR things