Which Orientation is this supposed to use?

Looks like after install the PIMAX is set to display in portrait by default. I changed it to Landscape and then had to flip it since the mouse controls for up/down were backward.

Is this supposed to run in Portrait or Landscape mode?

Default pimax mod is not recognized as display, so you cant change it preferences.
If you launch “extended” mod you should know its not default or primary mod.

Could you elaborate on this? I am not understanding what you mean. I am taking about extended mode.

If your running beta 1.2.5x launch SteamVR from inside Piplay. Seems if you launch SteamVR outside of PiPlay it launches in Extend mode.

In Extend Mode Pimax 4k shows up in display properties.

I’m running 1.1.92. I understand the difference between the direct and extended. My question is when running in extended should we be running it as profile or landscape?

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