Where to buy a real 4K Pimax?

Where is the best place to buy a real 4k pimax?
I live in Alberta Canada near Calgary.
@Pimax-Support @bacon @Matthew.Xu @Doman.Chen

There are few options. Depending on your region.

I have added pokes to your post to draw the Pimax team of whom can likely answer best. If you could post your Country will help with where maybe best for you.:beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:

Though with @Sjef info my line of thinking is likely off or completely wrong. With level of detail it might work differently than my thoughts… & simply reduce the gpu over head by varying LoD wthin the scene based on what your looking at. But should improve clarity…

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Sorry. I think I may have 'reported you by accident. I just looking around. My bad!
Thanks for your help!

Well no worries. Lol I am sure it would have shown in active flags in my mailbox. :v::smirk::+1::sparkles:

Hi,@vegaguy you may purchase the Pimax 4K on the Amazon/Gearbest/official website.
Please be advised.

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I noticed there are two versions. One with grey writing, lower price in stock and one with gold writing, higher price but not in stock.
Is there fake Pimax 4K’s on Amazon?

I did some looking and noticed that the gold version has more options. Head positioning if I understand it correctly. Also the lenses look bigger in the gold 4K.