Where is the option to disable gyro/tracking?

Where is the option to disable gyro/tracking?
Is a command or tool needed? No option at all in piplay that i can see.
I want to use freetrack, and nolo when it comes out, but thats not really possible if i cant disable the inbuilt tracking that suffers from drift. Anyone know how? Pimax say it is in piplay but that wa months ago and i can’t see it?


Will have to check but believe its on same page in settings where youi set Ipd

No, the only option there is to turn off the device sensor or turn on cool colors. The device sensor just turns off the sensor that detects if your face in in the HMD and turns the screens off if not to save power. No option to turn off tracking :frowning:


On 1.1.92:

Settings/Device/Turn off device sensor works on my side.

No head-tracking is available. The HMD behaves like the Video/Kodi option in Piplay 1.2.x versions.

Haven’t tried on any higher versions of Piplay.

OK thanks to you both, didn’t work for me at first but reinstalled and now it works, cheers.

Yw Dave glad its working