I haven’t been on this forum since I gave up on Pimax and got an 8kx late and many rmas later and don’t really care for Pimax Vr anymore. I got a working vision 8kx used it once or twice to see if months and rmas were worth and didn’t really care anymore. All I’m doing now is waiting for DMAS to sell my 8kx with it for around 1300 or cheaper if anyone wants it. It’s not worth the 2300 total in shipping, hassle, and “DMAS” bundle I preordered, I might sell the base stations and controllers, basically everything for 2k if anyone wants it, I just want to get it off my hands. My main question is when is the DMAS coming. I checked once for the update on it last week and they said 2nd week of March and have not gotten any type of email for tracking or anything.
if you believe pimax, they began mass producing them this week and will ship out at the end of the month
Dear B-Tech,
We are sorry for causing you an unpleasant user experience.
DMAS is expected to be produced in the first half of this year.
You can also follow the forum: OpenMR for weekly updates.
Please wait patiently.
First half of this year ???
We preordered in 2019 !!! LMAO !
What a joke.
I’m oh so glad I didn’t pre-order them. I am sufficiently busy with waiting for the controllers I pre-paid in 2017 or when the KS campaign was… memory is fading…
Yea its realy unbelievable…
We’ll talk about this at the show next week.
I hope you stay true to the order of pre-orders and not waste another quarter year of my life just to send out add-on-packages first just because you think it’s easier to do the hmd+dmas-mounted later. I pre-ordered on 1 Nov 2019 and I’ve waited for the full package a loooong time. No 8KX, no kdmas, just a long f-ing wait…
And, what… produced? What does that mean? That you send out 50 dmas in July and ramp up and, boom, some Chinese holiday later and 2 whole years passed before I get my hmd? I would not be surprised but I sure would be furious… The hmd will have dropped in value before I even get it. Godammit.
I’m tempted to cancel the order but I want the damn thing…
Sorry, I’m negative. I just get so frustrated with Pimax and their, literally, never ending let downs.
I have kept an open support ticket about this and had asked them a very clear question about the ETA. They answered me back a week ago and said it looks like the DMAS is coming in JUNE
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