What's with Users Reporting Higher FOV with 8K-X than 5K Models?

As seen here:

Given that Pimax would surely have touted an even higher FOV on the 8KX if they had indeed increased it, I’m a little suspicious that there’s any real measurable difference, but still curious to know what’s going on here …

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This tool will have limits as it relies on user perception. @risa2000 hmdq tool is more technical as it pulls info as to what is requested to be rendered.

Subjective tools rely on what the user perceives. So if using thin foam for example vs thick foam changes pupil to lens distance and wil affect perceived FoV (see Doc-ok paper on pupil to lens effects)


I tested my 5kplus and XR with a thin pad and it feels the same looking to the edges. I don’t think they made it wider.


It feels if anything smaller than the 5k+ to me. But I think that might just be different positioning and different foam.

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https://community.openmr.ai/t/hmdq-tools-for-inspecting-the-vr-headsets-geometry-version-2-1-0-released/30837 take a look, its the same and I measured the lenses and they are same length, just the housing is different for the lenses, for the vision series.


I think there is something wrong with the Hidden Area Mask on the 8KX (or the implementation in this Pitool at least), i’ve just disabled it and my FOV seems much improved, and the horrible cross eyed sensation I had in many games is now gone.


Hmmm… HAM shouldn’t affect convergence. It is only supposed to save on rendering by not rendering pixels outside of your viewport(unseen parts of the screen).


According to the data I got it seems that the HAMs in native and parallel projection modes do not match each other (when projected into the viewing frustum). So depending on which mode and which FOV you use you may get limited by one or the other.

For example this is 8k-X large FOV HAM comparison: red is PP on, green is native projected into the parallel plane. The red is clearly limiting the FOV more than the green one (https://risa2000.github.io/hmdgdb/images/PimaxVision8KX_Large_PP_75Hz_back.dmx.png).


It certainly seems like something is wrong. What does a 5K+ look like, for comparison?


It has been about two months since you initially reported this, so it is probably time to remind the SW team about this issue. It is especially important if it is causing people to feel cross-eyed and reducing the FOV.


Yeah, I remember arguing with someone that you could in fact increase FOV by moving your eyes closer to the lenses. They insisted I was an idiot and didn’t know what I was talking about. Just cup your hands in front of your face and then slowly move them toward your eyes and see how much more of your FOV they fill as they get closer. Of course there are drawbacks to this and past a certain point they outweigh any positives but it is still worth adjusting to see if you can gain a benefit. I mostly experiment with different padding and different depths of padding to see which works best. Can make a big (subjective) difference.


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