What to do in the mean time while we wait?

you must let us know more :yum:

I just discovered BeatSaber on Steam, and holy arse-crackers, it is fun!!

Yup, thatā€™s definitely what Iā€™m going to be doing until my 8K arrives, beating my saberā€¦ err, wait, no, that doesnā€™t sound rightā€¦


So none of you guys have VR now? I bought the Odyssey to hold me over until someone comes out with a high res dual OLED screen setup. Iā€™m just using a couple of office chairs that were going to be thrown away. Made 1 chair out of them and VR almost every night. I have 67 Steam games and deleted them all from my hard drive except for the VR games. Just canā€™t play on a monitor anymore. Hereā€™s my chair.


Yes, the Pimax 8K will be my first VR system. None of the currently available consumer headsets meet my minimum viable product standards. I signed up for the Kickstarter because I didnā€™t want to wait years for some other VR company to get around to producing a high end unit.


Nicest chair ever seen ! LOL , good work ! :smiley:


I have the Oculus Rift - you can see it on its 3D printed hanger on the left hand side of the cockpit.

I do have a 1st world problem in that the side impact protection hoops on my racing seat will conflict with the PiMax once it arrives, as the Rift barely clears them when looking left and right. I have two options - either cut them off or buy a new seat without the hoopsā€¦


Hi dustyearlobe

That looks like its going to be a sturdy beast of a machine and good to see another CNC maker on here.`I gave up 5 years ago waiting for the market to provide sim gear to a spec rather than a price, so the home designed and built CNC was the way to go and since getting it Iā€™ve made so much more than just the cockpit stuff with it.

Iā€™m about to upgrade my supported round rails for HiWin/linear profile rails on my CNC router for added rigidity, but I guess your plasma wonā€™t need the extra rigidity?

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Youā€™ll have to look but there is another user here who made there oen somewhere in the 4k forums.


you just hit a sore spot for me on the build ,not so much the rigidity as if i fit a spindle it would be for wood and aluminium as i have a mill for the hard stuff ,the rails are good enough its the bearing guides ,in testing even with a little bit of runout on the opposite rail can bust the bearings in half ,they are barely 2mm diameter and the top rail is a good few pounds on its own.
but it is fun none the less ,i was going to ask you about fusion 360 ,ive seen it and it looks good but already use cambam and turbocad for 3d ,bit of a faf exporting the files over to cambam as sometimes it decides scramble everything ,so hay yer whats it like to set up tool runs and the big question did you manage to get home user or do you subscribe .
great video by the way love the idea of haptis through the seat sounds engrossing

The hotas is on my wish list

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I use the home user/startup free ā€œversionā€ of Fusion 360 - thereā€™s no difference other than if you turnover more than $120,000 a year using it, then you have to pay for the licensed version if I recall that correctly.
As far as ease of use, its been a revelation from other applications I have used previously for two main reasons:

  1. is the workflow - going from 2D sketch to 3D part and then out to toolpath or Cura for 3D printer slicing, in one app is a godsend and once you have the basic concepts down you can get something out pretty quickly.
  2. is the adaptive clearing or trochoidal toolpaths (also called HSM) - whilst its not as elegant as the iMachining/Solidworks combo, it still does a good job of material removal and I even use them instead of slotting due to the improved machine and tool wear (and speed).
    Thanks on the kind words on the video.

It does sound like it could be worth a second look ,i havnt long downloaded a patch for trochoidal (trying to say it without hearing it ?) not tried it properly yet but ive a sharpening jig to make for my lathe tools .as much as i may think i would like to ,not earning much out of this no way near $120,000 so free sounds even better
thank for the heads up on that

Picked this up yesterday and immediately went for Sideloading Riftcat 2.0 & the Nolo works fully wirelessly with it.


Does bigscreen beta work with it well? Also has there been heating issues charging while using?

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Bigscreen Beta works but the streaming FPS is in the dumps. As for charging while using, Iā€™ve used a RavPower 26000mah battery and the Go did get pretty warm to the touch.

No discernible change in performance or shutdowns though.

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How is the movie watching experience on it? Thinking about picking one up just for that usecase.

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Me too, mine arrives on monday, just for media and experiences, itā€™s worth it just for the good optics without godrays

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Compared my Rift CV1 & Pimax 4K. The Go wins for media consumption.

The Rift has more accurate colors and the Go is not too far behind but itā€™s clarity over the Rift CV1 putā€™s it out in front.

As for the Pimax 4K, the colors are washed out but the image is sharper than the Rift CV1 & the Go.


Wow that setup looks awesome! I wish I had room for something like that :slight_smile:
The reason I went for the Next Level flight/racing stand is becaue I can squeeze in both racing+flight accessories on the same stand, fold it together and ā€œhide itā€ while I do standing up games. I gotta say Im very happy so far!