What surprises does Pimax have planned?


maybe announce what the 3 pieces of choosen software the backers will get :smiley:


Maybe finally telling the TRUTH!!! that would be a surprise:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I am with you but actual the mood in this froum is so toxic, if i would work at pimax I didn’t want to go to forum anymore. And don’t say anyone they wouldnt :stuck_out_tongue:

Let them there new year, let them brace there energies


A real surprise would be if @PimaxUSAor any of the other staff currently,and did the right thing and answered
some of the basic questions backers have been asking for days,it not such a big ask considering Pimax
will be basically closed for two weeks.
I won’t waste my time listing,just look at the forum for the last week.


as said before I am completly with you but when every 5-10 min an message with “@pimaxstaff” is written who say you are all lieres, when will I get my stuff and so on.

I think we all should cool down at cny… the most backers waited for so long that is no reason to be so toxic right now. I know many would disagree with my opinon but so it is.

After some holiday the staff of pimax is fully charged and energiesed.

@Matthew.Xu @anon74848233 after this kindly meant words you could sent my HMD before the other ones :stuck_out_tongue:


This is the day that Pimax decide to ship the UK backers their headsets. One can hope.

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hey you forgot my one !!! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Release PiTool 3.14 with foveated rendering, a celebrated moment by happy backers who have already received their eye tracking module and headsets together with a pack of kool-aid.

Btw, you’re spoiling the surprises in here, just sayin.