What settings are you using for Elite Dangerous?

This is for everyone who uses the Pimax 4K on Elite Dangerous (obviously, duh!)

Okay, I have had 2 Pimax 4Ks so far, and after getting frustrated with them in-game re being too dark, unable to read text, dizzyness/eye strain, I sold them. I bought the 2nd one after @Enopho (on YouTube) gave me the settings he recommended, but I guess I could still have done something wrong re the set up.

I probably should have kept hold of the last 4K!

Anyway, I am now considering getting a 3rd one as a result of the feedback I received from my last video, where I pitted the HTC Vive against the Pimax 4K (my 2nd 4K) in ED and NoLimits Roller Coaster. It didn’t go well for the 4K, and probably did not help that I got a bit miffed, to say the least. I was really hoping, in fact expecting, the Pimax 4K to do really well.

From what I was told on these forums, the eye strain part is due to the FPS. My eyes obviously don’t like it. Yeah, yeah, I know, in that case just wait till the 8K comes along. Well, I’d like to see for myself that the 4K is as good as others are saying.

From what others are saying, the text should be crisp, but it’s not really for me. Using Enopho’s settings did improve a lot for me, but it still wasn’t great.

So please, give me your goodies - settings and make me feel happy, so that I can have the 4K (again!) to tied me over till 8K comes (January??? ).

My system is a top of the range AMD processor (don’t laugh!) with a single 1080ti and 16gb of ram.

I’m gonna up the memory to the highest it can go, as I do a lot of video and graphics work.

Amd contrary to what some might say does well. I don’t have ED as of yet. However i have 2 amd setups that do quite well a dual 7950 cf which yeilds around 3.5 in steam vr perf test (factory oc) & an r9 390 which yeilds something like 7.5.

@lukeb also plays ED in the green camp but maybe able to help with setting ideas.

I wish I could help, but as you know I had to mod my unit to get it focused well enough for me.
I still wear my glasses (reading glasses, typical far sighted issue), but now I have excellent focus.

I’m still using Piplay 1.2.93 and I’ll stick with it until Play 2.xx get a good report from you guys.

As far as Elite Dangerous settings are concerned, I have all the graphics quality settings maxed since I have a pretty reasonable PC.
I use a Saitek X52Pro HOTAS which is just great fro ED.
Drift is OK and I have a button on the HOTAS assigned to recenter the view when it drifts too far.
I don’t find it too much of an issue really.

I’m pretty happy with my Pimax 4K and will probably just stick with it until I have a really good reason to upgrade to either the 8K or another unit.

As I have often said, I won’t spend more money on any VR unit that cannot be focused properly.
I’m really not that desperate and there will be plenty to choose from in the near future.

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Hey reading over your post more carefully are you by chance Farsighted? If so you may need a mod like @lukeb & @Starraker.

These gentlemen quite clever with their ingenuity.

Luke i think the best solution in regard to the 8k dilema; would be for our good folks at pimax to visit Australia maybe on vacation & bring an 8k for you to try out & see if the new focus will do the trick either without glasses(prefered) or with glasses/frame adapter. Who knows maybe one of the tech ppl of whom you have soent time with on skype. :smirk:

Thanks for the input, guys :slight_smile:

On the sight front, my right eye’s sight is weak and cannot be corrected, but my left eye is perfectly fine. That said, maybe it is sight related.

I have no issues like that with the Vive, but I guess that HMD just happens to be built in a way that suits my eyes.

Any info on what this mod is?

If my issue is sight related, then I could very well experience the same thing with the 8K and 8K X :frowning:

I will solve this :slight_smile:

Yeah, that would be great.
I would be the first in line to buy the 8K if only I knew that it could be focused.

OK, adding the extra lenses to replace my glasses is possibly a reasonable solution providing the lenses were of a high optical quality and closely matched my own optical prescription.

Personally, I think that Pimax should supply these lenses free of charge as I believe that when we buy one of these units we are paying for a functional product and one that presents the user with an out of focus image is definitely not functional. In my opinion.

After all, we wouldn’t buy a television that had an out of focus picture.

One serious downside to not having a mechanical focus is that if there are two people in the family that wear glasses that are different to each other (like my wife and I), then the extra lenses solution would only work for one person, unless you got two sets of lenses.

And again this may not work either because like in my wife’s case, each eye has a different prescription.

So Pimax, if you want to make a really high quality unit that will cater for everybody’s vision characteristics, then there is no other way to do it effectively than have independently adjustable mechanical focus for each eye.

Do it right, do it once and it’s done for ever.

Here is the mod I made to my unit.
If you have different vision in each eye this may work for you in that you may only need to change the focus of one of the lenses.

The 5k/8k & 8k-X are using the same i think they called it infinity focus? That the vive/rift use.

Now you said you don’t experience this issue your having on the 4k?

The 4k unit uses a different focal length to rift/vive. It was designed for 20/20 & myopia. Due to this difference folks that are farsighted have focus issue that wearing their prescription glasses does not solve without the work around mods that luke & starracker have created.

Now as @lukeb will be interested in. With your Vive is there a manual focus you are adjusting or does it just look good without wearing glasses?

If the Vive is good without manual focus adjustment this maybe info luke is looking for.

Yes @lukeb i do agree the frame adapters should come with the headset say 3 to 4 adapters. @PimaxVR @deletedpimaxrep1

So users can take these frames & have their eye glass place make lenses for the frames.

The other benefit of course with the vr frame adapters could be used for ther purposes like say gamer lenses etc.

Thanks for the responses guys :slight_smile:
Interesting stuff. LukeB, but beyond my ability :smiley:

[quote=“Heliosurge, post:8, topic:3106, full:true”]
The 5k/8k & 8k-X are using the same i think they called it infinity focus? That the vive/rift use.

Now you said you don’t experience this issue your having on the 4k?[/quote]

Yes, I do not experience the issue with the Vive. I see everything perfectly fine and with no eye strain when using the HTC Vive.

That’s absolutely excellent about the 5K, 8K and 8K X using the same thing as the Vive. Freaking awesome!

I don’t think the Vive has any means to adjust the focus. I could be wrong, but I did not need to adjust anything in order to be able to see things without issue.

Considering that the 5K, 8K , and 8K X are using the same thing as the Vive, I’ll wait till they send me the 8K. It is very likely then, that it’s the way this is done on the 4K that is causing issues for me.

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Indeed @LukeB & @Starraker also did a mod using reading glasses

Maybe this is a sign that I need to visit the optician!

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I have no problems with Elite Dangerous, I’m playing on the VR Ultra setting with a Core I7 7700K and a GeForce 980 Ti.

I might be a bit jealous of you, Wildcopper :stuck_out_tongue:

Bah, who am I kidding, I’m so green with envy, I have turned into a cucumber!

On the Rift CV1, EDProfiler was paramount to get the Aircraft font colors to an readable/acceptable state.

There are various tweaks and settings that can be managed without digging around in the config files.

Highly recommended:


You may explain the point of your post someday… or not. Don’t be so bitter, you’ll be happier.

I was joking, hence the cucumber :wink: :smiley:

British humour :smiley:

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