This is for everyone who uses the Pimax 4K on Elite Dangerous (obviously, duh!)
Okay, I have had 2 Pimax 4Ks so far, and after getting frustrated with them in-game re being too dark, unable to read text, dizzyness/eye strain, I sold them. I bought the 2nd one after @Enopho (on YouTube) gave me the settings he recommended, but I guess I could still have done something wrong re the set up.
I probably should have kept hold of the last 4K!
Anyway, I am now considering getting a 3rd one as a result of the feedback I received from my last video, where I pitted the HTC Vive against the Pimax 4K (my 2nd 4K) in ED and NoLimits Roller Coaster. It didn’t go well for the 4K, and probably did not help that I got a bit miffed, to say the least. I was really hoping, in fact expecting, the Pimax 4K to do really well.
From what I was told on these forums, the eye strain part is due to the FPS. My eyes obviously don’t like it. Yeah, yeah, I know, in that case just wait till the 8K comes along. Well, I’d like to see for myself that the 4K is as good as others are saying.
From what others are saying, the text should be crisp, but it’s not really for me. Using Enopho’s settings did improve a lot for me, but it still wasn’t great.
So please, give me your goodies - settings and make me feel happy, so that I can have the 4K (again!) to tied me over till 8K comes (January??? ).
My system is a top of the range AMD processor (don’t laugh!) with a single 1080ti and 16gb of ram.
I’m gonna up the memory to the highest it can go, as I do a lot of video and graphics work.