What Pimax needs to do to stop being janky

Sure this has elements of truth. Just keep in mind people often lie to themselves. Everyone for example knows pimax and really these days a large growing number of companies are more often missing there advertised projected release dates and over hyping there products. Consumers often like the companies they complain about are counting chickens before they hatch.

You said it yourself with Varjo and while some amazing clarity those early day distortions for some was quite terrible and even with “enterprise support” & very small batches some have had terrible quality issues like the dead pixel saga.

Yet we all still press on hoping the next hmd will be near perfect, release on time or a head of advertised dates and ship 0 defects to consumers, etc…

Unfortunately once the internet became common things like software quality has imho greatly suffered as we can release niw and fix it later.


Presumptions are self derived. Something you often accel at is making presumptions with minimal info.

There is a difference between best case scenario on a release date or specs. For example Gigabyte has given best theorectical performance on a gpu that if you read it carefully all components used in the card are performing at optimal best and your system itself is also performing at best possible. Which is very unlikely to have that circumstance. Is it misleading? Absolutely: especially if the reader is not educated enough to know the difference between best case vs what your more likely to get with a purchase.

Do we need better clearer standards? Yes. However consumers also need to take the time to become educated on there purchases prior to making them. Sure there are indeed things you will only find out long after a purchase like the 4090 & Amd 7000 gpu current issues or more concerning safety recalls on Cars.

As for members the rules have been long posted along with additions to improve clarity of them. Just seems some like to see how close to the edge they can get not realizing when they have fallen off.

Heh, I’ve been called an Oculus fanboy on Vive reddit, and a Vive fanboy on Oculus reddit, and the same sort of thing with other permutations of brands. There is something about how some people become entrenched, and hostile-defensive over products they happen to have purchased; Objectivity and factuality are things not allowed in fanboy land; Unwanted truths will be buried, and messengers carrying them harassed.

I don’t think there’s a single community I have been part of, that hasn’t had its share of such irrational individuals, forcing one to make disclaimers along the line of: “Yeah, that guy over there: Let’s be clear that he doesn’t speak for the rest of us”. -It is never the sharp debaters on the “opposing side”, that are you greatest enemies - it is the fools on your own. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway - any talk of: “performing headsets”, happens to sting my eyes, too, no matter how obvious the speaker may think it should be to everybody that they may not mean it literally, or with some semantic twist that makes it “literal” to them.

The computer performs – the headset displays, unless we’re talking headsets with the computer built-in.

If one experience the same computer rendering higher resolution frames at lower frame times for one tethered headset, than for another, then there must be some factor that is being missed somewhere - otherwise we are veering into magical thinking.

Typically these tend to be things like resolution being capped with the seemingly “better performing” headset, or the user accepting synthetic frames as real ones.


That’s at the core of every tribe - defining its identity solely via ‘we’ is pretty hard; defining it via ‘us vs them’ is a lot easier.

I personally attempt to lead my company via a sense of ‘we’ but particularly in times of crisis, the good old ‘us vs the rest of the world’ does work. I’m pretty sure it’s a hereditary evolutional trait of humas as a species.

@Sargon fully agreed with your best practice recommendation!

One of the issues Sargon has is he is unaware there are dedicated places for Pimax to post there info ie announcements #omr-anounce:pimax-official that can be used for downloads as well as a pimax downloads in #pi-soft:pitool-notes . There is also the Wiki in the user menu under :star: and the wiki also links to the #guidebank that can also be searched and accessed in Docs in the dropdown left menu beside the profile pic.

Pimax also has downloads on the main site along with there own help database. Easy to find and see on the main site page.

They also cross post on reddit, facebook and even twitter with announcements.

The big issue with communication is often at times quality/accuracy and frequency. And of course at times here not posting in proper dedicated categories.


do you think they are going this way because they can, or do not want otherwise?

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If you mean posting in Random places? Likely simply convenient. During the roadshows 2nd round in the US; I had moved there main posts into Pimax Official and created a discussion topic with a blockquote to the announcement. I have advised them often in the past to do this process.

The same with creating a FAQ post after collecting various questions as many companies do to avoid answering the same questions from multiple users. During the KS days I had along with other community members like @generic organized lists like this with official responses that were scattered.

A lot comes down to changing habits/patterns. And often that is not easy once developed.

At times communication seems to be more impromptu than organized.

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The old not well maintained weekly updates would be a great method to use collect questions and have a Q&A released on the following Friday? For example.

Though often as we have seen things like the weekly update has not been kept consistent after introduced and simply quietly disappears.


Part of the issue that every Pimax employee wears several different hats. It’s still a relatively small company, and there are still only 24 hours in a day.

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Which is why processes need to be developed and followed. Otherwise things will remain chaotic. Once tools are developed abd learned a standardized method becomes 2nd natured.

It also reduces stress all around with not needing to repeat the same answers over again.

With release notes making a a list of reported and known bugs makes it easy to produce professional release notes that don’t just say vague things like “fixed some bugs & improved Amazon customer experience”.

Processes are great, but relatively worthless if you don’t have the resources to apply the governance/oversight. Processes are a red tape, and while it’s great to have them when they’re well-intentioned, again, they just cause more trouble if they don’t have needed oversight to enforce them and make sure things work as intended.
I’ve seen too many company’s in my time have great ideas around putting in place ‘processes’. Most all these companies thought that, oh hey, now that we’ve got a ‘process’, everything should simply work.
They mostly failed to put enough support around those processes for them to be effective.
Even LARGE companies have this issue.

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