What is wrong with my headset! Please help; Iam very frustrated!

but still thanks for the answers and the sjefdeklerk´s flasher is much more better.

one qustion. should i use the render setting in pimaxes settings at highest or crank settings up from somewhere elswhere ?
i have titan x (pascal)

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Lol sorry tbh; i think we all presumed you tried tge headset on.


We have all i am sure missed obvious things.

I for one didn’t know how the defogger/demister worked & in the early days i got strange texture pops of white. (now just a couple of flashes & done)

I simply thought due to my rig being weaker than reccommended figured it crashed & rebooted my computer. Lol

One user has mentioned only use one of render/super sampling

So if you bump piplay render up leave steam’s supersampling @ default 1.0 or vice versa.

I would reccommend start at 1.5 - 2.0 & bump up til quality vs performance meets your desired needs.

okey steam has it´s own. thanks

by the way do you have any tip on the fact steam vr stopped working. so i removed it to install it again,
but now i don´t find it anywhere

Weird steamvr should show uo un your library but more importantly there should be a VR button in your steam titlebar & piplay’s steamvr button should launch it

there was but it was not working so i uninstalled it. now there is no “steamVR” to be found from steam…

It won’t install? Try search steam for it & see if it needs 2b install

ok finally. it can only be found by going to libraty /tools. …allthough i thought i had tried that out before but who knows

Awesome. In the store’s search bar it should have shown under “steamvr”


luckily i found it

Sorry for laughing. Haaaaaaaaaa!
Yep, there’s a sensor in the HMD that detects your head (When it works). :slight_smile:

Also. It should be on the very top right of the Steam screen. It shows VR.
Click on that and SteamVR will open.

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Do you mean my head ;D …

yes if it´s installed. atleas from my steam you could not find it else you go to tools and make a search SteamVR
the point of the image was that Heliosurge said to seach with the store search

Yes it comes up one word SteamVR lol