the product worked but then it just stopped working and now the tracking works but the screen stays blank.
i tried to downgrade the firmware. no go, it did nothing.then i flashed back to 248, everything ok flash ok. but nothing fixed, still black screen. and top of that piplay claims i have 251 allthough i did succesfull flash. and now my serial is 100000000000 …what the hell.
this must be the worst user experience i ever had with anything.
the headset is faulty in everyways, the display is blurry at parts and now the display doesn´t work at all anymore.
First please calm down. Please post the following details.
What is the printed serial on tge bottom of your pimax headset? I presume by your mention of firmware 248 your serial begins with 102.
@Sjef has made a modified firmware for the 100 serial that folks have used to reset their 102 then reinstalled firmware 248.
If you can provide some details on your setup.
Windows version ie win10
If Win10 run winver in ‘run option in start menu’ include the build info. Some are experiencing issues with the Creator’s update in windows.
Also please post
Gpu & driver version
Piplay version you are using.
@PIMAX-Support - this will help support see your message by sending him a notification.
Lastly i have edit your topic content.
nop it´s 10031163004564
i downloaded the upgrade package for 100xxx “Upgrade_tool_for_Pimax 100XXX”
and i tried both firmwares. for some reason i can get the headset flashed with windows software and i did
not know how to get to DFU mode with the command promp so i used the windows program to enter DFU mode
and flashed with the commandpromt. flash said everything ok but the firmware piplay shows is always 251
im mainly using win7 but i tried with my 10 also and nothing differs.exact same happening.
serial shown as 1000000 and video does not work only tracking.
and the 100000 thing and loss of video happened before any flashing and i just tried to fix it with flashing.
And for the record the headset was working from the start.
both os are 64 bits
16GB ddr3 1600
titanX (pascal)
i tried piplays 1.2.57_X64 and 1.2.75_x64
Okay you have a 100 series serial the firmware you need is 251.
You will need to reboot might need @Sjef modified firmware & his firmware update tool.
Load taskmanger ensure all pi servers & piplay killed. Then flash withl 251 or modified firmware then 251.
Reboot & run piplay
yes and pimax says i have 251 installed.
do i need to ask for the firmware ?
I can’t say but its possible the firmware update failed to install properly.
Will see if i can find a link to @Sjef mod f/w & his update tool
Follow the steps in the link above.
Please post back results.
Did you try my flasher ? It’s better than the one from Pimax:
not yet, soon… it´s midnight here
any recommendations ? …
i did intall the 248 with the sjefejklerks tool and everythin went ok. but the piplay still shows serial 0.0… and
i got the 248 installed ,allthough the flsher said ok as i could not shut down the piservice i don´t know how succesfull operation it were ans the piplay shows 251 and the serial 00000000000000 still.
i don´+t know what to do: in safe mode i cant flash as somtehing is missing and and in normal windows mode i can´t
disable the piservice and if i uninstall piplay i cant use the flasher…hah
if you have any ideas, ill check them tomorrow…
You said you have serial starting with 100 the firmware you need is 251. Firmware 248 is for headsets with serial 102
Yeah he might have flashed the wrong firmware (the one for SN102). That would explain the weird serial. In fact, I’m pretty sure that’s the problem.
I found my complete Serial No. on a Sticker of my packing box. On the head set there is no Serial No. Sticker.
In Piplay Software there is standing S/N: 100000xxx and Firmware 251
The sticker serial number stuck to the headset is important… I have a 102xxxxx sticker…however after i flashed with the 100xxxxxxx firmware…the serial number detected on the headset became 100xxxxxxxxxx, but there was no display on the screen…
It went back to normal after flashing with 102xxxxx firmware
maybe I think after flashing the firmware , Serial No. is shown in Piplay only the important first 3 digits,that means the software is registrated only the first three digits. complete Serial No. you will find on the sticker
why are we talking serial numbers, LOL
i mailed pimax they said “sit tight we are aware and working on it” …i can´t stop laughing…
i would have gone to work but im here sitting and waiting… it´s gone 3 weeks now and my bank account is getting close to
It´s really ward that the flasher seems to work, everything is always OUKKEI but at the end nothing still works.
the thing makes me crack up is the request from the support to use the debug tool to report them.
what., am i suppose to learn chinese first ? …are these stick letter even chinese…don´t know, i don´t have a clue what
language im reading
I’ve seen the code they use to display the firmware for the SN100 version. What it does, it hard copies ‘100’ and then reads a specific location in the EEPROM for the 2nd part and then forms one output string based on that. So: ‘100’+Serial.
So, if you flash SN100 FW over a SN102 version, it will do the same, it will look up the serial in the expected place but obviously it’s different for the SN102 version, so it just returns 0. So that’s why it will report ‘100’ + ‘0000000’ = ‘1000000000’.
In other words, if it reports ‘10000000’ you have flashed the wrong firmware.
The serial # first 3 digits determines the correct firmware.
100 = 251 firmware
102 = 248 firmware
Flash the wrong one & the unit will not work
I have firmware and it works perfectly. Mind you I have Piplay 1.2.85.
My serial number (on Piplay front screen) is 100 followed by 11 more zeros followed by -1DF
i flashed the 251 firmware with the sjefdeklerk´s flasher and installed the nevest piplay.
i have the same exact data on my screen as the image on LukeB´s post… .still no visuals…horraa
by the way how can the piplay show the firmware is 265 when i just before flashed the 251 ?
okei…Fuck it works…it would have been great if somewhere would have someone said you have to put your head into the mask to activate the fucking display…i have wasted tens of hours.