What is the center to center distance of the lenses?

I know that IPD is a software adjustment. What is the physical distance between the lens centers. I have a big head with an IPD of 72mm. It is my understanding that you want to be looking through the center of the lenses for best visual fidelity

I tried extrapolating from a couple of pictures and came up with 71mm. Is this right?

Not sure if no1 has posted will measure when i get home

@Heliosurge Were you able to measure this.

I wish it were possible to use IPD 50.

I’m a little concerned with the lack of a physical IPD adjustment. I guess it’s not possible because the Pimax only has 1 screen but if the lenses are in the right place then the software adjustment should be fine.

IPD 55 looks good to me, but I think I liked it more using IPD 50. Pipplay 1.1.92 allowed IPD 50.

Sony Psvr & i think GearVR suffers from soft ipd (i know sony does 4sure)

Though Google googles have physical adjustments.

Will someone measure the distance between the centers of the lenses for me please.

It is 63mm. and i have a ipd of 72 too, i use pimax 4k with no comfortable at all, no physical ipd adjustment no good. but consider for no other 4k display vr headset. and pimax is so cheap…you know~