Please make sure you own a PC with at least GTX1080ti (still testing, may need the next generation graphic card e.g. 1080Ti SLI) CPU i7, and 16GB memory before you get this reward.
We understand you want to get 8K earlier. We can either send you 8K first, then you replace 8K for 8K X, or we can send you the 8K X version directly on Q2.
Basically they finally admited the 8k is fake with only 1440p maxium resolution. The 8k x will accept true native 4k with 2x dp1.4 inputs. NOT AVAILABLE UNTILL MAY NEXT YEAR
@Davobkk, thanks a lot for clarification, I also found some clue from the FAQ list, which mention a dual DPs version will be available. I assume the kickstarter will go live very soon, just wonder how to manage this upgrade,
----We can either send you 8K first, then you replace 8K for 8K X---- Shall we pay for the depreciation of old 8K?
How much for that if yes? Can we back the 8K version first then request an upgrade later when 8K X is available? or have to back the “8K X” version now then entitled to have it later? @deletedpimaxrep1, could you please clarify? this is very important for me to decide which package I should back. Thank you.
Yes please I want to know this too. Want to receive both 8K usual and then 8K X replace ASAP as this things will be available. Planning to be with first backers but need to know how to pledge in right way. @deletedpimaxrep1
8K X is a dual connection version with actual 2*4K input, and they offer to have an 8K and swap it for 8K X when available, in which case they cover the shipping cost for the swap. This seems fairly generous to me.
LoneTech, And this option will cost +200$ if you missed. But shipping yes, they offer to cover. I even agree to pay for shipment by myself because want to use 8K for a few months with 1dp while they make 2dp version not to wait half a year with nothing, I think this worth it. But if they offer to cover it’s even better
The only question is what version we need to back on kickstarter, is it must to be exactly X or not (ppc0422 question above).
I’m aware of the cost (it’s in the quote I posted). As Xunshu specifically talks of the new tier there, I currently expect the method to be that we back the 8K X tier, which already includes the higher cost, and 8K X backers (who Pimax expect to be few, given the cost, currently not huge difference in image quality and considerable performance requirements) may get asked if they want the loaner 8K unit early.
i’m sorry but going from 1440p to 4k is a HUGE difference in resolution. There’s no wording that could define it “marginal improvement”. Then again, we can’t move such resolution for all applications, but it’s remarkably different from 1440p
@deletedpimaxrep1 and another question:
Both “8K X” and “8K X Full Package” items divided to [Early Bird] and [Limited Edition]. And all this 4 items are “Limited” (orange). Which will be delivered faster? Early Bird?
I agree, typically. However, they’re comparing on current day hardware, not the Volta board that likely launches at about the time the 8K X does. They’re probably seeing render buffers that map nicely to 1440 and simply enjoying the sharpening of the upscaler.
Early Bird on kickstarter is typically a slightly lower price on offer to reward people joining early, so a more limited number that will be already taken during most of the campaign. While it’s popular to label packages in the order backers joined, shipping overhead tends to jumble the order a bit and there’s often no appreciable difference in arrival time.