I agree , as long as the forum has a workaround for any issues , they should not hold sending them out to backers just because the software is tricky to start with , only the retail product’s software needs to be truly plug and play
Currently, with my Vive I still have issues. Moving it from one PC to another there are just weird unexplainable issues where it won’t get detected or run properly in the same ports it was in before, and then again when it is moved back. There are still a bunch of issues with the sound devices for microphone and sound card where they don’t get changed properly or the switching you have setup gets broken for one or both the devices. For some reason of late I have had to restart the machine because otherwise, I get choppy performance, but only in VR, there is no obvious problem anywhere else. I am still seeing spikes in the rendering for no apparent reason.
This is a device that has been out and maturing for 1.5 years and it is far from perfect. The initial installation was a nightmare and exceptionally unreliable. Some days it will support full camera fps and others it won’t despite nothing else on the hub. So when the Vive is this temperamental I highly doubt PiMax will manage to do better, not least because a lot of the problems are probably SteamVR introduced.
@BrightCandle I agree with most everything you have written in your post here, having experienced similar issues, just a small correction needed to your comment, the Vive has been out for 2 years and 3 months or least that is how long I’ve had mine for.
Except I think you mean “Ease of use” opposed to plug & play.
Wow is really over 2 years now, man the time has flown by!
Im quite surprised a lot of you expect the 8K to be “perfect” upon release, while we all know none of the existing headsets really were working as expected on launch. Some of them still doesnt today.
All testers are doing their best to find any issues still existing, and the technicians are doing their best to fix and improve them all. But non of the testers or even Pimax team themselves can promise you a “flawless” headset upon release.
I had Vive pre-order from day 1 and had LOADS of issues the first months, not only tracking related but also SteamVR issues, and weird stuff like the headset going black out of nowhere. There was not even a proper reprojection feature working as it should, back in the early days.
And then we all know about the Oculus Rift story with really bad tracking the first months, compatibility issues etc. And lets not forget all hassle with 3 sensor setups, which are still today a problem for people who doesnt buy multi channel USB PCI-e cards for another 40+ bucks.
The WMR headsets did not even have proper SteamVR support upon launch and the tracking & software was really bad the first months. Even when I started using my Odyssey in February or so, there were huge performance problems which later got fixed with new software iterations and windows CE updates.
We all know the story about Vive Pro having major audio issues on launch (have they even fixed that yet?) as well as tracking issues with lighthouses version 1.0.
Anyway… I’m not saying I expect any specific issues upon 8K launch for the first Kickstarter backers, but Im quite sure we will find some anyway, and software updates will definitely help things to improve over time. Just have realistic expectations, that’s all I’m saying.
Also, I would really recommend you all to read this a couple of times until you really understand the challenges rendering a wide FOV using the currently existing SteamVR renderer:
If you really get deeper into this, at least by understanding what Doc OK is trying to tell us, then you really start to realize why it takes such an effort and time to even accomplish an acceptable wide FOV on two angled displays, both in terms of image rendering and of course optical distortion correction.
SweViver can I make a suggestion?
When the beta testers finally give the green light on hardware why don’t you guys try suggesting to Xunshu that one of you travel to Pimax HQ in Shanghai for a few days to work with the engineers on a short list of important issues to improve the UI before launch
For the amount of work you have done surely Pimax would be happy to pay for flights and accommodation. That one trip could solve a world of problems
@deletedpimaxrep1 could you and your team consider this? Thx
Think pimax should pay them at that point
If they could make a short list of potential issues it would help with the launch
Ehm, so what do you suppose the testers have been doing all this time till now ?
What benefit would it bring to be in physical contact with the engineers? (most of which, I imagine, don’t even speak English ?)
Very interesting read there.
I strongly assume that this is also the biggest reason for the 170° FOV mode then.
Very interesting read…have you made pimax aware of this article to help with lens distortions? Also the edit at the end apparently fixes the screen angle problem.