What happens if I do Nothing? 8K with BS+Controllers Backer

I would like to see if Pimax would extend the Dec 31st deadline for opting for an 8KX losing ALL backer rewards for the discount. PLAN A - I believe. However, if they don’t extend it and I do nothing what happens? @PimaxVR @Matthew.Xu @SweViver

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The obvious: you’ll eventually recieve the BS, controllers and stretchgoals (+ possibly a $100 coupon
towards eye tracking)

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Well thanks for your input but I am wondering if I opt for Plan A would they extend the deadline? Also wondering what controller I’ll get and if they would offer a further deal with the Index controllers. When will it all ship. Together or separately?

Dont Think they wil lextend the deadline, you should get controller and basesations separat.

This kinda sucks because I doubt there will be too many independent 8kx reviews before then.

I’m not sure if the plan will be delayed, but you can choose to wait. It’s your right.

December/Jan are busy months here for those celebrating the holiday season. If intentions are given to Pimax then maybe you can defer the payment?

You should extend it with how long it’s taking support to give us our coupons. Ive been waiting over half a month to get mine.