What controller is everyone using for the Pimax 4k

I will say Im a noob when it comes to PC gaming and the Pimax 4k HMD as well. I would like a simple controller similar to the one pictured below. Its the Magicsee R1. I will be mostly viewing videos with the Pimax and using my PS4 for gaming so a hotrodded gaming controler will be overkill for me and the Pimax. I really like the style of Magicsee R1 but I dont know if it will work with the Pimax. What is everyone using with their Pimax, and any suggestion for a small controller like the Magicsee R1 would be appreciated. Thanks!

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It will work if you use a leap motion and driver4vr, for handtracking.

Otherwise I think you will have to use x360ce to make it work on games that use the xbox controller.

I liked the R1 too, a lot, until I dropped it. Had 2 but one was faulty and the other broke.

I think the easiest solution for you though would be to plug in a ps4 controller and install DS4 Windows (I think that is what it is called). Can’t recommend the R1 unless you have leap motion.

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