Well, somebody had to ask!

Has there been any nudie show comparisons, or general movies if that offends you?

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Sweviver mentioned them, but briefly

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In the AMA MixedRealityTV said he was going to do an episode about that.


This is actually a relatively important one for me. Im sure a lot of others too (but a lot might feel embarassed to admit so).
I’d really like to see comparisons of 8k vs 5k+ in both regular VR porn videos as well as porn games such as WSS and VR kanojo.
I mean i guess i can get a decent idea from regular movie and game comparisons but i’d still like to see these specific things.

I’m sure that non-distance video will look better in the 8K because it smoothes the pixels a bit.

Well, isn’t that then the quivalent of having the pimples on their backside photoshopped… you should welcome it :wink:
And if I think the old days… the movie Bilitis (was released a couple of years before my time but still one of the first I remember) - you get that cinematic effect for free with the 8K ! :joy:

from what i can tell the 8k display seems very compareable to the 4k. and as a 4k owner i can tell you that it is a segnificant step up from all other vr-headsets. since it is a “movie” your graphicscard can easily handle 200% supersampeling which realy makes the highres displays shine in detail and clarity. :wink:
its honestly one of the reasons i stick with 8k, you cant supersample away the SDE. upscaling blurrines on the other hand just vanishes.


The only reason I will be purchasing the new pimax is for porn, and maybe normal movies. Should I go with the 5K or the 8k?

Then absolutely the 8K. Like Venatos above said, it’s simply outputting pre-rendered footage so you can super-sample to the max and will benefit from all that amount of pixels in the 8K.

When I watch movies on my Pimax 4K, often it’s just as sharp as my monitor because of the low SDE. I highly recommend it for this use case


@SweViver We need some more through the lens shots from movies (normal or VR180) with 8K SS 200% and 5K+ SS 200% to see if SS 200% really makes the 8K shine in comparison to 5K+.


I found that I can max out SS with the 1080TI

100% this - unless I’ve missed it, nobody has posted image comparisons for video/movies only games.

Need to call it “Adult VR” or something as “Porn” has a stigma attached to it and will get more vocal flack than not.

Nature documentaries

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Don’t forget. Pimax is working on a 60Hz mode for movies. So the performance impact on the 8k should be lower in this mode. :wink:

For the “art” movies I’d definitely suggest 8K. The more pronounced pixels of 5K+ are clearly more disillusioning.
8K is more refined and gives you more pleasant and coherent view, though a bit softer than 5K+.


Which one would you suggest for Desktop use?

Is that the “Performing Arts” :smiley:

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If the colors, etc are not popping to ones liking, the Reshade injector can really help get the dullness away.

Extract Reshade to Kodi/Tweak & use something like Virtual Desktop to view Star Trek…

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I did forget, but this might just have swayed me over again to the 8K. Because 60Hz mode would also mean less demand for games (capped at 60 fps) which is comparable to my Pimax 4K. I have no issues with 60 fps (But I also don’t play games like Onward where you have to look around fast)