Weekly Update July 16th 2020

Weekly Update July 16th 2020

  1. 8KX Shipments Have Resumed

The improved customs declarations were provided to the carrier and 8KX shipments resumed on Monday. We are now shipping daily and will continue batch #2 shipments throughout this week.

Headset Batch #3 also begin to arrive next week.

  1. Eye Tracking Shipments and Availability

The Eye Tracking ordering pages are back up and operating. We expect modules ordered will be shipped within 8 weeks and will originate directly from our warehouse in China.

We have two portals that can process Eye Tracking Module orders:

Pre-Order Portal - store.pimax.com

Backer Portal - backer.pimaxvr.com

Backers who possess a discount code please visit the backer portal to make your purchase.

If you having any issue with your discount code or any special circumstance please contact our support team.

Additional note: We made changes to the backer portal and removed all the shipping options except for one (shipments are processed via FedEx). The shipment costs will vary depending on the package’s destination (your address).

Those who have existing orders for the Eye Tracking Module (please be careful not to confuse this with the Hand Tracking Module) will also have their items shipped within 8 weeks.

  1. Hand Tracking Modul Status

The fully tooled release candidate will arrive at our offices for testing and inspection in just 2 days. There is always the chance that an issue could be discovered but based on the previous samples we fully expect to begin producing this version as previously expected before the end of this month.

Once the Hand Tracking module enters mass production we will open up this item in the Pimax Store for purchase.

Special Note: If you are one of those who *already has an existing order for the Hand Tracking module you do not need to worry. Your orders will be shipped first from the mass production in the order they were received and you do not have to take any further action.

  1. Customs Duties and VAT Advisory

For more information, please kindly click the link.

Your Pimax Team.