Weekly Update 16th September 2020

Weekly Update

September 16th, 2020

8KX Shipment Update

Backers, upgrades or pre-orders who haven’t received your headset please send a PM to Quorra on our OpenMR forum. Make sure you include your backer number (if you have one) and your order number. We will try to respond with the tracking number if the parcel has been picked up by the courier.

Some users have recently reported they are receiving headsets without any shipping notification or tracking numbers. We want to make certain users have the tracking numbers well in advance of the package delivery.

We want to ensure no users miss out on their package pick-up and wind up with added delays.

Note on shipments: We have also shipped to some of our local warehouses and these units have begun to arrive in quantity so in some cases (probably about 50%) shipment will not be directly from Shanghai but originate from our warehouse in your region. In these cases this will dramatically reduce shipment time as your package will have already passed through customs.

Upcoming Events

We are launching some events on OpenMR within the next few weeks. We hope our community can try to participate and enjoy the events. More details will be revealed on OpenMR.

Eye Tracking Module

More eye tracking modules are arriving at the end of this week and resume shipments again this upcoming Monday. Outstanding eye tracking orders should be receiving your tracking numbers after Monday.

Hand Tracking Module

We have been shipping the hand tracking modules for the last few days and see reports of customers receiving them. Soon we will be releasing guides, instructions, links to software and more to help those that receive these modules to get the module installed and get up and running.

We would encourage those who receive the hand tracking modules to install the Pimax Experience Beta when it moves to an open beta. This has some very nice hand tracking integrated support included.

Pimax Experience Open Beta

Martin (Sweviver) and several developers are actively working on the Pimax Experience Beta and have provided new daily releases to over 60 beta testers. Soon we will move from beta on request to an open beta release along with a new version of Pitool (required for use of the Pimax Experience).

For those of you who don’t know what the Pimax Experience is this software automates a great deal of the Pimax headset setup and much more. It does this from inside a VR environment so your headset can remain on your head while you change to different programs. The goal is to provide a fully automated cloud profile experience that provides an optimized experience every time you launch any game or software.

Pitool Update

We have been releasing new Pitool and firmware versions (2 new recent betas). These mostly benefit the Pimax 8KX, 8KPlus and both the hand and eye tracking modules. In case you missed out you can check out the following link - Pitool , 8KX and 8K Plus. Also, keep an eye out for our Pitool progress report we are endeavoring to release every Friday!

Your Pimax Team.