Watercooling by DrWilken

Same here… :slight_smile: But I still know that it’s all good underneath the hood and that counts for something too… :slight_smile:


there’s no performance increase in hardline tubing, it’s purely an aesthetic labour of love. It adds a lot more time to a simple component upgrade, and a complex loop takes time to drain and leak test. You’re paying for a heat gun, pipe cutter, deburring tools, silicone tubes to go in your glass/acrylic tubes, tonnes of compression fittings of various shapes & sizes including 90, 45 deg bends, extensions, male to male, male to female, taps, pressure sensor, in-line temp sensor, access valve… but… SHINY


lol…thanks for confirming I will never do this.

If I had to choose between tubes and Yaw2 I know which I would choose.


Same, but I don’t find that weird. I’m the sort of (IT) person who doesn’t want to endlessly tinker with the build.

Just want a high performance, reliable system that I can essentially forget about, so I can focus on putting it to use :+1:t4:


I have no problem with softtubes.
Even with the flexible hoses I need 2 hours to change the RAM. :rofl: :joy:


Just pulled the trigger on these blocks :slight_smile:

One of these :sunglasses:

And 2 of these, just for kicks when I upgrade my system with new MB / CPU / RAM :smiley: “think Zen4 or Zen5”

Total including 14 to 23days shipping to Denmark 218,51 USD


So what does all this water cooling mean translated to fps? Can we get more than 20% increase or is that unrealistic? If we get more than that I would definitely start looking into this

20% sounds like a quite a high increase, but I can tell you why I watercool. (I’ve been doing it since Pentium II Slot2) so over 20 years of experience :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

1st reason. A quiet PC, as in Really quiet! if you build it right and setup fan profiles correctly.

2nd. CPU and GFX card can be OC’ed to their max.
Sure one can debate that TEC’s can bring lower temps but that makes the water hotter and heats up other components in the loop, just to gain a few xxxMHz and use more power.
Or subZero cooling, but that just requires too much for everyday usage.

No thermal throttling on the GFX card = no frame dips that one would expect from standard air cooling.
Be aware that on GFX cards with RAM on the backside like RTX 3090 you’ll need a block to cool the backside as well, the Bykski I will use is quite the performer, while the price is a steal compared to big brand names.

4th. If build correctly one can just check water levels one a year, maybe even less :partying_face:


Backplate cooler is not working too well, maybe change the thermal pads out?
HWiNFO64 v7.04-4480 Sensor Status
This is while mining.
only changed the backplate pads for now as I ordered too little of the thermal pad (Alphacool 14W/mk, 17W/mk also available)

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That’ll probably work, but I was only mining to see how hard I could push the card, so for now I’m good… :upside_down_face:

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I too went with watercooling, I chose a 3080 FE rather than a 3090. I have mini itx pc so I am trying to save space wherever possible. EK’s quantum vector block is superb for form factor and even in my smaller case my GPU under load is peaking in the 50’s.

I would love to put a 5900X in my machine but going from a 75Watt CPU up to 110Watt is only going to dump more heat into my loop and probably not worth it. I might try it at some point, but with the present heatwave and no AC in my home it seems like a bit of a gamble.


Nice, but you’re still missing one little accessory in the tank:

or maybe just add fish…

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is that the define r5? I was only just able to fit a 420 in it but that was with the alphacool that had in and out in oposite ends of the making it just a tad longer

Jup… :wink:

It didn’t exactly fit well either but it’s there… :rofl:

My old build

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